P_T_C M_a_t_h_c_a_d Prime 1.0 F000 Multilanguage

PTC Mathcad Prime 1.0 F000 Multilanguage | 1.01 GB
Languages: English, French, German, Chinese (CN, TW), Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish.
Mathcad Prime 1.0 is PTC’s latest release of the industry standard software for engineering calculations. Completely re-designed, Mathcad Prime 1.0 provides a task-based interface for enhanced usability. Plus it delivers powerful capabilities within a document-centric calculations environment for users to create complex, professional engineering design documents quickly and easily.
New features and benefits include:
+3% Recovery record. Interchangeable mirror links.
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PTC Mathcad Prime 1.0 F000 Multilanguage | 1.01 GB
Languages: English, French, German, Chinese (CN, TW), Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish.
Mathcad Prime 1.0 is PTC’s latest release of the industry standard software for engineering calculations. Completely re-designed, Mathcad Prime 1.0 provides a task-based interface for enhanced usability. Plus it delivers powerful capabilities within a document-centric calculations environment for users to create complex, professional engineering design documents quickly and easily.
New features and benefits include:
Improved usability and discoverability – Experienced users can complete more tasks with less effort, and new users will spend less time learning to use Mathcad Prime 1.0
Document-centric calculation environment – Reduce the time it takes to develop a design worksheet, by combining math, text and images on one document. That means less time editing and formatting your worksheet
Advanced Math Exploration – Quickly and easily create calculations for testing – before committing them to a design, and reducing re-work in the design process
Numeric functions library – With ready-to-use numeric functions, you’ll be able to tackle any computational problem, saving time and effort
Dynamic Units Checking – Now you have full support for units throughout all calculations created in Mathcad Prime 1.0, resulting in reduced errors and higher accuracy, while improving process efficiency in product development
Reverse compatibility – Quickly convert most engineering worksheets saved in previous versions back to Mathcad 7.0, while summarizing any specific compatibility issues, minimizing any work to recreate calculations and worksheets
WYSIWYG equation editor – Express problem constraints and solutions in natural math notation – focusing on the calculations, while spending less time manipulating the document
Design of Experiments (DoE) – Save time, effort and expense by creating fewer, yet more intelligent experiments
Maximize productivity with full Windows 7 support
Mathcad Prime 1.0 greatly enhances the overall user experience with a new interface within a document-centric calculations environment, and advanced math exploration. The result: you spend more time engineering and less time documenting.
Document-centric calculation environment – Reduce the time it takes to develop a design worksheet, by combining math, text and images on one document. That means less time editing and formatting your worksheet
Advanced Math Exploration – Quickly and easily create calculations for testing – before committing them to a design, and reducing re-work in the design process
Numeric functions library – With ready-to-use numeric functions, you’ll be able to tackle any computational problem, saving time and effort
Dynamic Units Checking – Now you have full support for units throughout all calculations created in Mathcad Prime 1.0, resulting in reduced errors and higher accuracy, while improving process efficiency in product development
Reverse compatibility – Quickly convert most engineering worksheets saved in previous versions back to Mathcad 7.0, while summarizing any specific compatibility issues, minimizing any work to recreate calculations and worksheets
WYSIWYG equation editor – Express problem constraints and solutions in natural math notation – focusing on the calculations, while spending less time manipulating the document
Design of Experiments (DoE) – Save time, effort and expense by creating fewer, yet more intelligent experiments
Maximize productivity with full Windows 7 support
Mathcad Prime 1.0 greatly enhances the overall user experience with a new interface within a document-centric calculations environment, and advanced math exploration. The result: you spend more time engineering and less time documenting.
+3% Recovery record. Interchangeable mirror links.
كل عام وانتم بخير
اللهم صلى على سيدنا محمد الصادق الامين صلى الله عليه وسلم
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