Thesis: Controlled evaporation driven synthesis and applications of ordered nanoporous ceramic fil


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طاقم الإدارة
Controlled evaporation driven synthesis and applications of ordered nanoporous ceramic films

طبعا الصورة ليس لها علاقة بالموضوع

Porous materials have been an attractive and important area of research for several years because of their applications in a variety of fields including separations, adsorbents, sensors, catalysis, electronic materials, etc. Based on their pore dimensions, porous materials are broadly classified into three categories: macroporous materials with pore sizes greater than 50 nm, mesoporous materials with pore sizes ranging between 2 nm and 50 nm, and microporous materials with pore sizes less than 2 nm. Zeolites are commonly used porous materials because their crystalline structure gives a very narrow, well defined pore size distribution. However, the pore sizes of zeolites are in the microporous range and hence they are not appropriate materials to process large molecules. The search for synthesis methods for materials with similarly well-defined mesopores ..... see the theses

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الأهم من ذلك أن الموضوع مرتبط باسمك اخي الحبيب د.سعد
بميزان اعمالك اخي الغالي

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