An Atlas of Gross Pathology
English | Publisher: Edward Arnold | ISBN: 0713145579 | 112 pages | PDF | 57.66 MB
The aim of this atlas is to provide an introduction to the macroscopical appearances of the most common pathological conditions for undergraduate medical students and nurses in training. It will also, hopefully, be of value to postgraduates undertaking the FRCS examinations, for whom a working knowledge of gross pathology is vital. Only important or frequently encountered disease
processes are covered. Each illustration is accompanied by a concise legend outlining basic, relevant clinicopathological and pathogenetic details. In collecting material for this atlas, we are
deeply indebted to Professor J.R. Tighe of the Histopathology Department at St. Thomas's Hospital for allowing us access to the departmental collection of colour transparencies. Weare also particularly grateful to Dr H. Pambakian, Museum Curator at St. Thomas's Hospital Medical School and Professors H. Spencer and M.S.R. Hutt. Most of all, this book would not have been possible without the consistent generosity and thoughtfulness of all the pathologists in our department, who unselfishly offered us many of their specimens, obtained either surgically or at
post mortem, for photography.