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Nano Today
Volume 5, Issue 4, Pages 243-372
(August 2010) a
Jackie Y. Ying, Editor-in-Chief

Today Aims and Scope
Nano Today is the international journal for researchers with interests across the whole of nanoscience and technology. Through its unique mixture of peer-reviewed articles, the latest research news, and information on key developments, Nano Today provides comprehensive coverage of this exciting and dynamic new field.
Nano Today publishes original articles on all aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Manuscripts of three types are considered: Review Articles that inform readers of the latest research and advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology, Rapid Communications that feature exciting research breakthroughs in the field, and News and Opinions that comment on topical issues or express views on the developments in related fields.
Contributions include a variety of topics such as:
• Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Nanostructured Materials and Films
• Functionalization and Size-Dependent Properties of Nanocrystals, Quantum Dots and Nanowires
• Processing and Templating of Nanotubes and Nanoporous Materials
• Tailoring of Polymeric Nanoparticles, Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposites and Biohybrids
• Fabrication of Nano and Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
• Design and Engineering of Structural and Functional Nanomaterials
• Nanosystems for Biological, Medical, Chemical, Catalytic, Energy and Environmental Applications
• Nanodevices for Electronic, Photonic, Magnetic, Imaging, Diagnostic and Sensor Applications
Editorial Board
Page CO2
News and Opinions
DNA molecular robots take a new track
Pages 243-244
Researchers exploit nanotubes' power of encapsulation
Page 245
Hot tip for making graphene oxide based electronics
Page 246
Simple process for making graphene 'on the cheap'
Page 247
Just scratching the surface? New techniques show how surface functionality of nanoparticles influences their environmental fate
Pages 248-250
Helen P. Jarvie, Stephen M. King
Development of new nano-tools: Towards an integrative approach to address the societal question of nanotechnology?
Pages 251-253
Gladys Saez, Xavier Moreau, Laetitia De Jong, Alain Thiéry, Christel Dolain, Isabelle Bestel, Carole Di Giorgio, Michel De Méo, Philippe Barthélémy
Protein templates in hard tissue engineering
Pages 254-266
Anne George, Sriram Ravindran
Polyoxometalate-based functional nanostructured films: Current progress and future prospects
Pages 267-281
Shaoqin Liu, Zhiyong Tang
Silicon nanostructures for bioapplications
Pages 282-295
Yao He, Chunhai Fan, Shuit-Tong Lee
Polymer- and lipid-based nanoparticle therapeutics for the treatment of liver diseases
Pages 296-312
Lanjuan Li, Huaying Wang, Zhan Yuin Ong, Kaijin Xu, Pui Lai Rachel Ee, Shusen Zheng, James L. Hedrick, Yi-Yan Yang
One-dimensional II–VI nanostructures: Synthesis, properties and optoelectronic applications
Pages 313-336
Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Igor Bello, Chun-Sing Lee, Shuit-Tong Lee
Host–guest interactions mediated nano-assemblies using cyclodextrin-containing hydrophilic polymers and their biomedical applications Review Article
Pages 337-350
Jianxiang Zhang, Peter X. Ma
Graphene and graphite nanoribbons: Morphology, properties, synthesis, defects and applications
Pages 351-372
Mauricio Terrones, Andrés R. Botello-Méndez, Jessica Campos-Delgado, Florentino López-Urías, Yadira I. Vega-Cantú, Fernando J. Rodríguez-Macías, Ana Laura Elías, Emilio Muñoz-Sandoval, Abraham G. Cano-Márquez, Jean-Christophe Charlier, Humberto Terrones
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