السلام عليكم
جزاكم الله خيرا دكتورنا العزيز أبو عمر على الإجابة...لقد فهمت ما جاء فيها
لو تستطيع أن تحضر لي ورقة يكون أحسن
هل يشترط في تخصصي أم أنتم من تقررون يا دكتور
أنتظر ردك
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله
إليك هذه الصفحة من أحد المقالات التي أقوم بمراجعتها وهي عبارة عن ملخص. بإمكانك محاولة تصحيحه أو التعليق عليه بناء على ما جاء في الدرس:
Abstract: [FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Groundwater is one of the most valuable resources for drinking water and irrigation. This acquires special importance in the Maheshwaram Catchment, Central India, where most of the local population depends on it for agricultural activities. The area is devoid of perennial streams, and groundwater restricts to fractures in granites. A growing need for irrigation water makes imperative the identification of new strategies to prevent undesirable consequences in both groundwater quantity and quality around the region. In this context, field observations were combined with a geostatistical analysis to define an optimized monitoring network able to provide sufficient and non-redundant information on key hydrochemical parameters. A factor analysis was used to evaluate the interrelationship among variables and permitted to reduce the original dataset into a new configuration of monitoring points still able to capture the spatial variability in the groundwater quality of the basin. The approach contributes to better design management strategies and allocation of economic resources in the area, while providing a simple tool to foresee negative consequences during the development of the region.