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كتاب التحليل الرياضي - الاول - شيلوف عربي

هذا الكتاب في التحليل الرياضي تضمن فصلا في الهندسة الريمانية وفصلا اخر في المنوعات (manifolds) ، ويندر عموما ان نجد كتبا عربية
تتضمن مثل هذه الموضوعات ، الاانه يجب ملاحظة تخص تنسيق الكتاب حيث سيلحظ القارئ بعض الاسطر المائلة وهذا من الكتاب الاصل كما اتى من مصدره

وهذا اسمه ورابطه :

كتاب التحليل الرياضي - الجزء الاول - التوابع ذات متغيرات حقيقية متعددة

تاليف ج.شيلوف

ترجمة ابوبكر سعدالله

بصيغة pdf وتجدونه على الرابط التالي

كتاب : An Introduction to Laplace Transforms and Fourier Series (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series) (Volume 0

An Introduction to Laplace Transforms and Fourier Series (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series) (Volume 0

An Introduction to Laplace Transforms and Fourier Series (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series) (Volume 0)
Springer | 1999-11-23 | ISBN: 1852330155 | 250 pages | PDF | 6 MB

This book is a self-contained introduction to Laplace Transforms and Fourier Series; emphasising the applications of Laplace transforms throughout, the book also provides coverage of the underlying pure mathematical structures. Alongside the Laplace transform, the notion of Fourier series is developed from first principles. Exercises are provided to consolidate understanding of the concepts and techniques, and only a knowledge of elementary calculus and trigonometry is assumed. For second and third year students looking for a rigorous and practical introduction to the subject, this book will be an invaluable source.


مشكور اخي زيدان
بميزان حسناتك
كتاب مفيد وقيم
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications


Gunilla Kreiss, Per Lotstedt, Axel Malqvist, and Maya Neytcheva

Springer | 2010 | ISBN-10: 3642117945 | 850 pages | PDF | 17 Mb

This is the proceedings from the ENUMATH 2009 conference in Uppsala, Sweden, in June 29- July 3, 2009, with about 100 papers by the invited speakers and the speakers in the minisymposia and contributed sessions. The volume gives an overview of contemporary techniques, algorithms and results in numerical mathematics, scientific computing and their applications. Examples of methods are finite element methods, multiscale methods, numerical linear algebra, and high performance computing algorithms applied to problems in fluid flow, materials, electromagnetics, and chemistry.

Statistics: Parameters, Variables, Intervals, Proportions

Barcharts Editors, "Statistics: Parameters, Variables, Intervals, Proportions (Quickstudy: Academic)"
Barcharts | 2005 | ISBN: 1572229446 | 6 pages | PDF | 1 MB

It provides a lot of important Statistics information. So far, I am in Week 4 of an 8 week Psychology Statistics course and have not needed it, though it was recommended for the class; but I would refer to it if I do encounter a problem. It arrived in a timely fashion, new condition, and is easy to read. Thank you for a helpful product.




أشعر أني مدين بالشكر الجزيل لكم جراء هذه التحف النادرة
حياك الله اخي الكريم
نأمل ونتأمل أن يصل شبابنا العربي الى الرغبة بجعل قراءة الكتب "هواية" لهم
اسعدني مرورك اخي bahaamz
جزاك الله الجنة اخى الفاضل ....بوركت
كتاب جديد 2010 : Optimization Theory and Practice


Wilhelm Forst, Dieter Hoffmann, "Optimization Theory and Practice "
S--er | 2010 | ISBN: 0387789766 | 402 pages | PDF | 5,8 MB

Optimization is a field important in its own right but is also integral to numerous applied sciences, including operations research, management science, economics, finance and all branches of mathematics-oriented engineering. Constrained optimization models are one of the most widely used mathematical models in operations research and management science.

This book gives a modern and well-balanced presentation of the subject, focusing on theory but also including algorithims and examples from various real-world applications. The text is easy to read and accessible to anyone with a knowledge of multi-dimensional calculus, linear algebra and basic numerical methods. Detailed examples and counter-examples are provided--as are exercises, solutions and helpful hints, and Matlab/Maple supplements.

The intended readership is advanced undergraduates, graduates, and professionals in any of the applied fields.




كتاب جديد 2010 : Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave


Alfio Quarteroni, Fausto Saleri, Paola Gervasio, "Scientific Computing with MATLAB and Octave"
S-er | 2010 | ISBN: 3642124291 | 360 pages | PDF | 3,5 MB

This textbook is an introduction to Scientific Computing, in which several numerical methods for the computer-based solution of certain classes of mathematical problems are illustrated. The authors show how to compute the zeros or the integrals of continuous functions, solve linear systems, approximate functions using polynomials and construct accurate approximations for the solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. To make the format concrete and appealing, the programming environments Matlab and Octave are adopted as faithful companions. The book contains the solutions to several problems posed in exercises and examples, often originating from important applications. At the end of each chapter, a specific section is devoted to subjects which were not addressed in the book and contains bibliographical references for a more comprehensive treatment of the material.




