Clinical Teaching Strategies in Nursing
Dr. Kathleen Gaberson, Dr. Marilyn Oermann
This textbook presents a comprehensive framework for planning, guiding, and evaluating learning activities for undergraduate and graduate nursing students in clinical settings. Recognizing that clinical settings require different approaches to teaching, the contributors present tools-working models, learning assignments and activities, simulations, the use of Grand Rounds for clinical educations, and pointers on ethical and legal issues-to help educators meet the challenges of this complex environment.
This new edition presents the newest clinical teaching strategies to ensure that it covers important new content, including culturally-inclusive strategies, current technology, NLN's Core Competencies, students with disabilities, delegation, self-directed learning, adapting to innovative clinical sites, virtual clinical worlds, and more.
About the Author
Kathleen B. Gaberson, PhD, RN, CNOR, CNE, ANEF, is a Nursing Education Consultant, OWK Consulting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She has over 35 years of teaching and administrative experience in graduate and undergraduate nursing programs and has presented, written, and consulted extensively on evaluation and teaching in nursing education and writing for publication. She is Research Section Editor of the AORN Journal.
Marilyn H. Oermann, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF, is a Professor and Chair of Adult and Geriatric Health in the School of Nursing, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She is author or co-author of 12 nursing education books and many articles on clinical teaching and evaluation, teaching in nursing, and writing for publication as a nurse educator. She is the Editor of the Journal of Nursing Care Quality and past editor of the Annual Review of Nursing Education. Dr. Oermann lectures widely on teaching and evaluation in nursing.
رابط التحميل
Clinical Teaching Strategies in Nursing
Dr. Kathleen Gaberson, Dr. Marilyn Oermann

This textbook presents a comprehensive framework for planning, guiding, and evaluating learning activities for undergraduate and graduate nursing students in clinical settings. Recognizing that clinical settings require different approaches to teaching, the contributors present tools-working models, learning assignments and activities, simulations, the use of Grand Rounds for clinical educations, and pointers on ethical and legal issues-to help educators meet the challenges of this complex environment.
This new edition presents the newest clinical teaching strategies to ensure that it covers important new content, including culturally-inclusive strategies, current technology, NLN's Core Competencies, students with disabilities, delegation, self-directed learning, adapting to innovative clinical sites, virtual clinical worlds, and more.
About the Author
Kathleen B. Gaberson, PhD, RN, CNOR, CNE, ANEF, is a Nursing Education Consultant, OWK Consulting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She has over 35 years of teaching and administrative experience in graduate and undergraduate nursing programs and has presented, written, and consulted extensively on evaluation and teaching in nursing education and writing for publication. She is Research Section Editor of the AORN Journal.
Marilyn H. Oermann, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF, is a Professor and Chair of Adult and Geriatric Health in the School of Nursing, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. She is author or co-author of 12 nursing education books and many articles on clinical teaching and evaluation, teaching in nursing, and writing for publication as a nurse educator. She is the Editor of the Journal of Nursing Care Quality and past editor of the Annual Review of Nursing Education. Dr. Oermann lectures widely on teaching and evaluation in nursing.
رابط التحميل
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