Symmetries (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)

D.L. Johnson "Symmetries (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)"
Springer | English | 2004-02-11 | ISBN: 1852332700 | 216 pages | PDF | 5,3 MB
Written by the author of Elements of Logic via Numbers and Sets the main object of study for this book is geometry, with group theory providing an appropriate language in which to express geometrical ideas. Key features include: -An overview of the preliminaries from group theory and geometry -Coverage of the discrete subgroups of the Euclidean group -A clear and complete derivation and classification of the 17 plane crystallographic groups -Tessellations of various spaces (they are constructed, described and classified) -A brief introduction to hyperbolic geometry. Each chapter contains a number of exercises, most with solutions, and suggestions for background, alternative and further reading. The authors accessible and down-to-earth approach make this an ideal introduction for readers in the second or third year of a mathematics undergraduate course. It is also recommended for mechanical engineers, architects, physicists and crystallographers needing an understanding of 3-dimensional geometry, symmetry and trigonometry.

D.L. Johnson "Symmetries (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)"
Springer | English | 2004-02-11 | ISBN: 1852332700 | 216 pages | PDF | 5,3 MB
Written by the author of Elements of Logic via Numbers and Sets the main object of study for this book is geometry, with group theory providing an appropriate language in which to express geometrical ideas. Key features include: -An overview of the preliminaries from group theory and geometry -Coverage of the discrete subgroups of the Euclidean group -A clear and complete derivation and classification of the 17 plane crystallographic groups -Tessellations of various spaces (they are constructed, described and classified) -A brief introduction to hyperbolic geometry. Each chapter contains a number of exercises, most with solutions, and suggestions for background, alternative and further reading. The authors accessible and down-to-earth approach make this an ideal introduction for readers in the second or third year of a mathematics undergraduate course. It is also recommended for mechanical engineers, architects, physicists and crystallographers needing an understanding of 3-dimensional geometry, symmetry and trigonometry.