المركبات المملوءة


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(الخواص الكهربائية للمركبات المملوءة)فله جزيل الشكر
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واتمنى لكي التقدم في علمك وعملك
لكن كي نقدم لكي المزيد
اتمنى ان تزودينا بالمصطلح العلمي لمشروعك وباللغة الانجليزية كي نفيدك
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ممكن تحددى طلبك أكثر أختى الكريمة
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هل تريدين أن تستخدمى filler مع مادة ما مثلاً مادة polymer
أم ماذا ؟
بتسلموا بعد اسبوع ان شاء الله اخذ التفاصيل عن موضوعي لكني احاول ان اسبق الاحداث ارجوكم ابقوا معي وسأذكر كل التفاصيل.شكرا
السلام عليكم
ان بحثي ان شاء الله حول تركيب مادة بوليمر مع مادة شبه موصلة ودراسة الخواص الكهربائية عليها وتعرفون ان الاساتذة في البداية لا يعطون كل المعلومات حول البحث وانما يتركون الطالب قليلا لكي يحتار .اتمنى ان تساعدوني في كتب او مقلات اي شئ ممكن ان يعزز من رسالتي ويقويها وجزاكم الله الجنة ان شاء الله .
Conducting polymers
(Handbook of advanced electronic and photonic materials and devices)

Author(s): Hari Singh Nalwa
Publisher: Academic
Date : 2001
Pages : 354
Format : PDF
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 0125137583

Since the realization of the first laser 40 years ago, the merging of the fields of quantum
electronics and quantum optics has stimulated the development of many new materials
and devices. These, in turn, support a flourishing optoelectronics market for optical communications,
optical data processing, medical diagnostics, materials processing, display
technology, and many other applications.
Therefore, in the year 2000, it is timely to publish The Handbook of Advanced Electronic
and Photonic Materials and Devices. The editor, Hari Singh Nalwa, is well known
for his original work on nonlinear optics of organic molecules and polymers. Together
with Seizo Miyata, he edited a comprehensive volume under this title that provides a
broad overview of this particular subject. The same authors also edited a volume on
organic electroluminescent materials and devices.
The present 10 volume handbook has a much broader scope. It includes semiconductor
materials, quantum wells and quantum dots, liquid crystals, conducting polymers,
laser materials, photoconductors, electroluminescent and photorefractive materials,
nanostructured, supramolecular, and self-assembled materials, ferroelectrics, and
superconductors. Applications of these materials in photoconductors, optical fibers, xerography,
solar cells, dynamic random access memory, and sensors are described. The
Handbook contains contributions by 180 leading experts from 25 different countries.
It truly represents the worldwide research efforts and results that support the global
market of optoelectronics. All scientific and technical workers in this broad field are indebted
to the contributing authors, the editor and Academic Press for publishing this
comprehensive handbook for the new millennium. It will support further growth in a
field that already has surpassed my wildest expectations of 40 years ago.

إذا كنتى فى حاجة لأى استفسار فأنا تحت أمرك أختى الكريمة لأننا نفس التخصص
يحميك الله ويخليك وصدقني ما راح اتردد اذا احتجت اي شئ فأنتم نعم الاخوة بس اكيد تعرف الشهر الاول من الرسالة الطالب يكون دايخ شوية بالموضوع. تحياتي
اسفة ياخواني قد تعبتكم معي لكن صار تعديل او اضافة للموضوع هو سنختار polymer matrix and filler وندرس الخصائص الكهربائية لها وان عنوان الرسالة ان شاء الله هو electrical properties of filler composites .اسفة مرة ثانية ولا تنسوا اختكم
Conducting polymers
(Handbook of advanced electronic and photonic materials and devices)

Author(s): Hari Singh Nalwa
Publisher: Academic
Date : 2001
Pages : 354
Format : PDF
Language : English
ISBN-10 : 0125137583

Since the realization of the first laser 40 years ago, the merging of the fields of quantum
electronics and quantum optics has stimulated the development of many new materials
and devices. These, in turn, support a flourishing optoelectronics market for optical communications,
optical data processing, medical diagnostics, materials processing, display
technology, and many other applications.
Therefore, in the year 2000, it is timely to publish The Handbook of Advanced Electronic
and Photonic Materials and Devices. The editor, Hari Singh Nalwa, is well known
for his original work on nonlinear optics of organic molecules and polymers. Together
with Seizo Miyata, he edited a comprehensive volume under this title that provides a
broad overview of this particular subject. The same authors also edited a volume on
organic electroluminescent materials and devices.
The present 10 volume handbook has a much broader scope. It includes semiconductor
materials, quantum wells and quantum dots, liquid crystals, conducting polymers,
laser materials, photoconductors, electroluminescent and photorefractive materials,
nanostructured, supramolecular, and self-assembled materials, ferroelectrics, and
superconductors. Applications of these materials in photoconductors, optical fibers, xerography,
solar cells, dynamic random access memory, and sensors are described. The
Handbook contains contributions by 180 leading experts from 25 different countries.
It truly represents the worldwide research efforts and results that support the global
market of optoelectronics. All scientific and technical workers in this broad field are indebted
to the contributing authors, the editor and Academic Press for publishing this
comprehensive handbook for the new millennium. It will support further growth in a
field that already has surpassed my wildest expectations of 40 years ago.

المصدر: منتديات كتاب العرب
المركبات المملوءة


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وكذلك رابط Handbook of Polymers in Electronics
