السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
هذا الموضوع هو فهرس لمواضيع برامج في البصريات بكل فروعها
(بصريات هندسية . بصريات موجية . ظواهر ضوئية . ليزر . .....)
المواضيع طرحت سابقا و ارتاينا جمعها في موضوع واحد للاستفادة
1- برنامج ATMOS NEW 8.2 VERSION في البصريات
ATMOS is a powerful lens design program with a user-friendly interface that allows the user to Design ,Analyze and OPTIMIZE both Centered/Uncentered optical systems and it is avalaible at a very affordable price.
Atmos is appreciated by amateurs and professional users and is under continuous developement.

2- برنامج LaserFOAM
LaserFOAM (Laser pulse propagation using a Fourier Adaptive Method) performs 1D simulations of laser pulses using an adaptive split step Fourier method to solve the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation (sometimes called Nonlinear Envelope Equation - NEE), provinding a graphical environment to run and visualize the results. Its main goal is to simulate the propagation of ultrashort laser pulses (in the nonlinear regime) in photonic crystal fibers (PCFs). It's free open source software (FOSS), available under the GNU GPL license

3- برنامج modas4.105 في البصريات

4- برنامج -ATMOSFRINGE-NEW 3.3 Version في البصريات الموجية
Interferogram Analysis Software
AtmosFRINGE is a new powerful ,inexpensive Interferogram Analysis software for extracting quantitative wavefront measurements from a laser interferogram.

5- لوجيسيالات و سيميلاشن في البصريات الهندسية و الموجية باللغة الفرنسية
6- برنامج MC Grating في الظواهر الضوئية
Software for grating analysis and design based on Chandezon, True and Fourier methods

7- برنامجDECAD V2.44 في ظاهرة حياد الضوء (diffraction)
DECAD ( Diffractive Element Computer Assisted Design ) is a powerful and versatile software developed by Dr. Olivier MAGNIN for diffractive optics design. DECAD handles all steps of diffractive optics design from optical specifications to e-beam files generation.
DECAD both allows synthesis of diffracting phase functions and accurate simulation of their performances. The diffracting phase function synthesis can be performed either by iterative or analytical methods to meet all diffractive optics application requirements. The simulation engine relies on various selectable propagators (Angular Spectrum, Rayleigh-Sommerfeld, Kirchhoff,... ) that are used by the designer for in-depth analysis of the light diffracted by the DOE aperture.
للوصول إلى موضوع البرنامج لمعرفة المزيد حوله وتحميله اضغط على اسم البرنامج المطلوب.
و اذا كانت هناك برامج مستقبلا بحول الله سيتم وضعها هنا..
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