السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
الكتاب الأول
Spss for Beginners
This book is great. If you have ever had to weed through the official SPSS manual or other SPSS books, you would know how difficult it is to find out how to do simple tasks without having to read a mountain of literature. This book simplifies everything. It tells you (1) how to do it, (2) how to interpret your output, and (3) all in plain English. The book has minimal formulas (but tells you the meaning of what you're doing). Finally, the chapters are organized in a logical way.
الكتاب الثاني
Spss for Introductory Statistics: Use and Interpretation
This book has been a life-saver. Its clear and concise about most of the main techniques you might need for analyzing your data. Its written as a practical guide to help you understand which statistical procedure to use. I'm a PhD student in Epidemiology and this is the book that really helped clear my concepts about the various statistical techniques and most importantly how and when to use them. All the classes I took in advanced mathematical statistics were full of jargon and theoretical stuff. This book is what helped me really understand the various techniques. Consider it a like a Dummies Guide to Practical Statistics..... I hope the author writes another book called SPSS for Advanced Statistics.
الكتاب الثالث
SPSS for Intermediate Statistics: Use and Interpretation
This book has been a life-saver. Its clear and concise about most of the main techniques you might need for analyzing your data. Its written as a practical guide to help you understand which statistical procedure to use. I'm a PhD student in Epidemiology and this is the book that really helped clear my concepts about the various statistical techniques and most importantly how and when to use them. All the classes I took in advanced mathematical statistics were full of jargon and theoretical stuff. This book is what helped me really understand the various techniques. Consider it a like a Dummies Guide to Practical Statistics..... I hope the author writes another book called SPSS for Advanced Statistics.
الكتاب الرابع
SPSS: Analysis Without Anguish Using SPSS V12
If the book cover and the file name are correct then this book was posted under the wrong ISBN, the correct information is:
Title: SPSS: Analysis Without Anguish Using SPSS V12
ISBN: 0470807369
Author: Sheridan J. Coakes
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc
Edition: (February 2005)
Paperback: 278 pages
URL: /http://eu.he.wiley.com/WileyCDA/HigherEdTitle/productCd-0470807369,courseListingNavId-108182.html
This latest edition of "SPSS: Analysis Without Anguish" is based on Version 12.0 of SPSS for Windows. SPSS is a sophisticated piece of software used by social scientists and related professionals for statistical analysis. There are several new features in SPSS version 12.0 that are covered in the new edition of this workbook, including:
* improved charting capabilities
* new data management features
* statistical enhancements.
Always popular in previous editions, "SPSS: Analysis without Anguish Version 12.0" for Windows continues to address the needs of all users of SPSS software. It serves as a practical introduction to new users and also allows those wishing to undertake more advanced analysis to work their way systematically through each stage.
Extensive use of screen displays and a range of ‘step by step’ working and practice examples remain as features of the workbook.
"SPSS: Analysis without Anguish Version 12.0" is suitable across a number of disciplines, including business, health, social sciences, environmental science and geography. It can also be value pack with other Wiley textbooks in subjects such as statistics, market research and research methods to save students money.
Table of Contents
Ch01 Introduction to SPSS
Ch02 Preparation of data files
Ch03 Data screening and transformation
Ch04 Descriptive statistics
Ch05 Correlation
Ch06 T-tests
Ch07 One-way between groups ANOVA with post-hoc comparisons
Ch08 One-way between groups ANOVA with planned comparisons
Ch09 Two-way between groups ANOVA
Ch10 One-way repeated measures ANOVA
Ch11 Two-way repeated measures ANOVA
Ch12 Trend analysis
Ch13 Mixed/split plot design SPANOVA
Ch14 One-way analysis of covariance ANCOVA
Ch15 Reliability analysis
Ch16 Factor analysis
Ch17 Multiple regression
Ch18 Multivariate analysis of variance MANOVA
Ch19 Non-parametric techniques
Ch20 Multiple response and multiple dichotomy analysis
Ch21 Multidimensional Scaling
Ch22 Working with output
الكتاب الأول
Spss for Beginners

This book is great. If you have ever had to weed through the official SPSS manual or other SPSS books, you would know how difficult it is to find out how to do simple tasks without having to read a mountain of literature. This book simplifies everything. It tells you (1) how to do it, (2) how to interpret your output, and (3) all in plain English. The book has minimal formulas (but tells you the meaning of what you're doing). Finally, the chapters are organized in a logical way.
الكتاب الثاني
Spss for Introductory Statistics: Use and Interpretation

This book has been a life-saver. Its clear and concise about most of the main techniques you might need for analyzing your data. Its written as a practical guide to help you understand which statistical procedure to use. I'm a PhD student in Epidemiology and this is the book that really helped clear my concepts about the various statistical techniques and most importantly how and when to use them. All the classes I took in advanced mathematical statistics were full of jargon and theoretical stuff. This book is what helped me really understand the various techniques. Consider it a like a Dummies Guide to Practical Statistics..... I hope the author writes another book called SPSS for Advanced Statistics.
الكتاب الثالث
SPSS for Intermediate Statistics: Use and Interpretation

This book has been a life-saver. Its clear and concise about most of the main techniques you might need for analyzing your data. Its written as a practical guide to help you understand which statistical procedure to use. I'm a PhD student in Epidemiology and this is the book that really helped clear my concepts about the various statistical techniques and most importantly how and when to use them. All the classes I took in advanced mathematical statistics were full of jargon and theoretical stuff. This book is what helped me really understand the various techniques. Consider it a like a Dummies Guide to Practical Statistics..... I hope the author writes another book called SPSS for Advanced Statistics.
الكتاب الرابع
SPSS: Analysis Without Anguish Using SPSS V12

If the book cover and the file name are correct then this book was posted under the wrong ISBN, the correct information is:
Title: SPSS: Analysis Without Anguish Using SPSS V12
ISBN: 0470807369
Author: Sheridan J. Coakes
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc
Edition: (February 2005)
Paperback: 278 pages
URL: /http://eu.he.wiley.com/WileyCDA/HigherEdTitle/productCd-0470807369,courseListingNavId-108182.html
This latest edition of "SPSS: Analysis Without Anguish" is based on Version 12.0 of SPSS for Windows. SPSS is a sophisticated piece of software used by social scientists and related professionals for statistical analysis. There are several new features in SPSS version 12.0 that are covered in the new edition of this workbook, including:
* improved charting capabilities
* new data management features
* statistical enhancements.
Always popular in previous editions, "SPSS: Analysis without Anguish Version 12.0" for Windows continues to address the needs of all users of SPSS software. It serves as a practical introduction to new users and also allows those wishing to undertake more advanced analysis to work their way systematically through each stage.
Extensive use of screen displays and a range of ‘step by step’ working and practice examples remain as features of the workbook.
"SPSS: Analysis without Anguish Version 12.0" is suitable across a number of disciplines, including business, health, social sciences, environmental science and geography. It can also be value pack with other Wiley textbooks in subjects such as statistics, market research and research methods to save students money.
Table of Contents
Ch01 Introduction to SPSS
Ch02 Preparation of data files
Ch03 Data screening and transformation
Ch04 Descriptive statistics
Ch05 Correlation
Ch06 T-tests
Ch07 One-way between groups ANOVA with post-hoc comparisons
Ch08 One-way between groups ANOVA with planned comparisons
Ch09 Two-way between groups ANOVA
Ch10 One-way repeated measures ANOVA
Ch11 Two-way repeated measures ANOVA
Ch12 Trend analysis
Ch13 Mixed/split plot design SPANOVA
Ch14 One-way analysis of covariance ANCOVA
Ch15 Reliability analysis
Ch16 Factor analysis
Ch17 Multiple regression
Ch18 Multivariate analysis of variance MANOVA
Ch19 Non-parametric techniques
Ch20 Multiple response and multiple dichotomy analysis
Ch21 Multidimensional Scaling
Ch22 Working with output
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