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MULTIFACETS OF DUSTY PLASMAS: Fifth International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas

Ponta Degada, Azores (Portugal), 18–23 May 2008
حبيبي الف رحمة على والديك تنقذني اذا تجيبلي هذا الكتاب

الله يبارك بيك

Principles of Electron Optics. Volume 2 (Only) Applied Geometrical Optics

واذا كل السلسة اكون ممنون
الف رحمة على والديك بس ممكن هاي لكتب

Handbook of High -Temperature Superconductivity
Theory and Experiment

Handbook of Superconducting Materials (Hardcover)

Handbook of Superconductivity (Hardcover
Handbook of High -Temperature Superconductivity: Theory and Experiment

J. Brooks, J. Robert Schrieffer, “Handbook of High -Temperature Superconductivity: Theory and Experiment”
Springer | 2007 | ISBN: 0387350713 | 600 pages | PDF | 16,1 MB

مشكور اخوية اذا ممكن هذا الكتاب ولو كثر عليك بطلباتي

Thallium-based High-temperature Superconductors (Applied Physics, Vol 2) (Hardcover
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وجزاكِ الله كل خير ورمضان مبارك

Plasma and laser light
by Hughes
رمضان مبارك مشكور ومقصرت والف رحمة على والديك اذا ممكن هاي لكتب لان عندي مشروع محتاجه
Superconductivity: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions

Theory of Superconductivity: From Weak to Strong Coupling (Series in Condensed Matter Physics

RF Superconductivity: Volume II: Science, Technology and Applications

Foundations of Applied Superconductivity

Superconductivity Volume I (Vol. 1)

Advanced Solid State Physics

The Cold Wars: A History of Superconductivity

Engineering Superconductivity
Foundations of Applied Superconductivity
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وهذا الكتاب من النوع Djvu أى ليس pdf
Advanced Solid State Physics
RF Superconductivity: Volume II: Science, Technology and Applications
لا تنسانى من صالح دعائك

Superconductivity: Volume 1: Conventional and Unconventional

Springer | 2008-06-01 | ISBN: 3540732527 | 1600 pages | PDF | 42.0 MB
Conceived as the definitive reference in a classic and important field of modern physics, this extensive and comprehensive handbook systematically reviews the basic physics, theory and recent advances in the field of superconductivity. Leading researchers, including Nobel laureate, describe the state of the art in conventional and unconventional superconductors at a particularly opportune time, as new experimental techniques and field-theoretical methods have emerged. In addition to full-coverage of novel materials and underlying mechanisms, the handbook reflects continued intense research into electron-phone based superconductivity. Considerable attention is devoted to high-Tc superconductivity, novel superconductivity, including triplet pairing in the ruthenates, novel superconductors, such as Heavy-Fermion metals and organic materials, and also granular superconductors. What’s more, several contributions address superconductors with impurities and nanostructured superconductors. Important new results on current problems are presented in a manner designed to stimulate further research. Numerous illustrations, diagrams and tables make this book especially useful as a reference work for researchers, students and teachers. Treating the entire superconductivity field, this unparalleled reference resource carefully blends theoretical studies with experimental results to provide the scientist and engineers an indispensable foundation for further research.

السلام عليكم


thanks to ebecher


Physics of Semiconductor Devices
By: Simon M. Sze, Kwok K. Ng
ISBN: 0471143235 | ISBN-13: 9780471143239 | Publisher: Wiley-Interscience - 2006-10-27 | 3 Edition | 815 Pages
Editorial Review:
The Third Edition of the standard textbook and reference in the field of semiconductor devices
This classic book has set the standard for advanced study and reference in the semiconductor device field. Now completely updated and reorganized to reflect the tremendous advances in device concepts and performance, this Third Edition remains the most detailed and exhaustive single source of information on the most important semiconductor devices. It gives readers immediate access to detailed descriptions of the underlying physics and performance characteristics of all major bipolar, field-effect, microwave, photonic, and sensor devices.
Designed for graduate textbook adoptions and reference needs, this new edition includes:
A complete update of the latest developments
New devices such as three-dimensional MOSFETs, MODFETs, resonant-tunneling diodes, semiconductor sensors, quantum-cascade lasers, single-electron transistors, real-space transfer devices, and more
Materials completely reorganized
Problem sets at the end of each chapter
All figures reproduced at the highest quality
Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Third Edition offers engineers, research scientists, faculty, and students a practical basis for understanding the most important devices in use today and for evaluating future device performance and limitations.
Table of Contents:
Ch. 1 Physics and properties of semiconductors - a review 7
Ch. 2 p-n junctions 79
Ch. 3 Metal-semiconductor contacts 134
Ch. 4 Metal-insulator-semiconductor capacitors 197
Ch. 5 Bipolar transistors 243
Ch. 6 MOSFETs 293
Ch. 7 JFETs, MESFETs, and MODFETs 374
Ch. 8 Tunnel devices 417
Ch. 9 IMPATT diodes 466
Ch. 10 Transferred-electron and real-space-transfer devices 510
Ch. 11 Thyristors and power devices 548
Ch. 12 LEDs and lasers 601
Ch. 13 Photodetectors and solar cells 663
Ch. 14 Sensors 743
Format: PDF | Archive: RAR | Size: 34911 KB
Link checked on Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:32 pm

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صارلي فترة وانا أبحث عن الكتاب التالي أرجو المساعدة أذا أمكن

Non-equilibrium air plasma at atmospheric pressure
by K.H. Becker
U. Kogelschatz
IOP Publishing
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