أطلب أى كتاب فيزيائى

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السلام عليكم
المرجو من أخي الكريم أن تساعدني في ايجاد كتاب réseaux de neurones formels pour la modélisation, la commande et la classiffication
و شكرا
شكراً جزيلاً على هذا العمل العملاق واسأل الله تعالى ان يوفقك لكل خير بمنه ورحمته
اطلب كتاب
infrared system engineering
مع الشكر والامتنان
i need this book:

Model Cellulosic Surfaces (Acs Symposium Series)

Maren Roman(Editor)

  • Hardcover: 328 pages
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (February 16, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0841269653
  • ISBN-13: 978-0841269651
الاخت منى، شكرا لك.
انا خلود ادرس الهندسة الكيميائية في الاردن،
ممكن اطلب كتاب "Heat transfer 9th edition by Holman + its manual solution " و الحلول له لانني تعبت من كثرة بحثي عن اي نسخة للكتاب مع الحلول،
تجديد طلب كتاب

اخوتي في الله وفقكم الله لكل خير وشكر جهودكم
طلبت سابقاً كتاباً بالاسم ولم احصل على رد لحد الان
واجدد الان طلبي ولكن عن طريق الرابط
ارجو المساعدة لتحميله مجاناً فانا طالب دراسات وبامس الحاجة لهذا الكتاب
وجزاكم الله خير جزاء المحسنين
بدي اغلب لو تقدر توفر هالكتب

Handbook on Radiation Probing, Gauging, Imaging and Analysis: Basics and techniques
Esam M. A. Hussein

Nuclear Radiation Detectors بواسطة S.S. Kapoor,V. Ramamurthy‏
Experimental Techniques in Nuclear and Particle Physics بواسطة Stefaan Tavernier‏
Experimental neutron scattering بواسطة Bertram Terence Martin Willis,C. J. Carlile‏
Neutron Imaging and Applications: A Reference for the Imaging Community بواسطة Ian S. Anderson,Robert L. McGreevy,Hassina Z. Bilheu
سلام الله عليك أخي الكريم ممكن مقالة من الموقع nanoletters
بعنوان: observation of breathing-like modes in an individual multiwalled carbon nanotube
و شكرا
اسلام عليكم: هل بالإمكان أن أجد عندك هذا الكتاب

Low temperature plasmas: fundamentals, technologies, and techniques edited by R. Hippler


With its strong focus on the links between theory and experiment or technological process, Low Temperature Plasmas presents the latest advances in our understanding of how plasmas behave. New contributions to this second edition cover dusty plasmas, cross-correlation spectroscopy, atmospheric pressure glow discharges, as well as applications in lightening, microelectronics, polymer surface modification, sterilization, biology and medicine.
Straddling the boundaries between physics, chemistry and materials science, this is of interest to a wide community.

Volume 1. List of Contributors.
1 Characteristics of Low-Temperature Plasmas Under Nonthermal Conditions – A Short Summary (Alfred Rutscher ).
2 Electron Kinetics in Weakly Ionized Plasmas (Detlef Loffhagen, Florian Sigeneger, and Rolf Winkler).
3 Elementary Collision Processes in Plasmas (Kurt Becker and Chun C. Lin).
4 Elementary Processes of Plasma–Surface Interactions (Rainer Hippler).
5 Plasma–Surface Interaction (Holger Kersten and Achim von Keudell).
6 Fundamentals of Dusty Plasmas (André Melzer and John Goree).
7 Langmuir Probe Diagnostics of Low-Temperature Plasmas (Sigismund Pfau and Milan Tichý).
8 Emission and absorption spectroscopy (Jürgen Röpcke, Paul B. Davies, Frank Hempel, and Boris P. Lavrov).
9 Mass Spectrometric Diagnostics (Martin Schmidt, Rüdiger Foest, and Ralf Basner).
10 Cross-Correlation Emission Spectroscopy (Hans-Erich Wagner, Kirill Vadimovich Kozlov, and Ronny Brandenburg).
11 Ellipsometric Analysis of Plasma-Treated Surfaces (Wolfgang Fukarek).
12 Characterization of Thin Solid Films (Harm Wulff and Hartmut Steffen).
13 Plasma Sources (Martin Schmidt and Hans Conrads).
14 Reactive Nonthermal Plasmas (Hans-Erich Wagner).
Volume 2.
15 Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharges (Alan Garscadden).
16 High-Pressure Plasmas: Dielectric-Barrier and Corona Discharges (Ulrich Kogelschatz and Jürgen Salge).
17 High-Pressure Microdischarges (Kurt H. Becker and Karl H. Schoenbach).
18 Materials Applications of High-Pressure Microplasmas (R. Mohan Sankaran and Konstantinos P. Giapis).
19 Transient Plasma Ignition (Charles Cathey and Martin Gundersen).
20 Transient Plasma-Assisted Diesel Exhaust Remediation (M. Gundersen, V. Puchkarev, A. Kharlov, G. Roth, J. Yampolsky, and D. Erwin).
21 Plasma Display Panel (Jae Koo Lee and John P. Verboncoeur).
22 Low-Pressure Discharge Light Sources (Graeme Lister).
23 High-Pressure Plasma Light Sources (Klaus Günther).
24 EUV Light Sources (Larissa Juschkin, Günther Derra, and Klaus Bergmann).
25 Plasma Etching in Microelectronics (Harald H. Richter, Steffen Marschmeyer, and André Wolff).
26 Magnetron Discharges for Thin Film Deposition (Klaus Ellmer).
27 Hollow Cathodes and Plasma Jets for Thin Film Deposition (Zdenek Hubicka).
28 Low-Temperature Plasmas for Polymer Surface Modification (Jürgen Meichsner).
29 Plasma-Enhanced Deposition of Superhard Thin Films (Achim Lunk).
30 Applications of Dusty Plasmas (Rainer Hippler and Holger Kersten).
31 Plasma-Assisted Surface Modification of Biointerfaces (Andreas Ohl and Karsten Schröder).
32 Cold-Plasma-Based Sterilization (Mounir Laroussi).
33 Atmospheric Plasma: A Universal Tool for Physicians? (Eva Stoffels).
34 Markets for Plasma Technology (Klaus-Dieter Weltmann, Martin Schmidt, and Kurt Becker).

السلام عيكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اخواني احتاج كتاب
Spectrophysics:principles and Applications

ضروري جدا وجزاكم الله خير
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

ارجو اخي العزيز ان تجد لي كتاب

spectrophysics: principles and applications for throne

وجزاك الله خير

ذلك لاني محتاج هذا الكتاب جدا جدا جدا في تخصصي
1-direct nuclear reactions, G.R.Satchler, 1983
2-fusion, R.Herman,1990
3-nuclear physics .National reserch council, 1986
4-introduction to nuclear reactions, G.R.Satchler , 1990
5-nuclear reactions and nuclear structure,. P. E. Hodgson, 1971
6-W.Norenberg, (1980)” heavy ion collisions, volume 2,chapter 1
7--G.I.Seaborg, W.D.Loveland,(1984). Treatise on heavy-ion science.
8) R. A. Broglia and A. Winther, Heavy Ion Reactions( Addison-Wesley, Redwood City, CA,
ممكن ربنا يعافيك هذه الكتب جعل ذلك في ميزان حسناتك
1-direct nuclear reactions, G.R.Satchler, 1983
2-fusion, R.Herman,1990
3-nuclear physics .National reserch council, 1986
4-introduction to nuclear reactions, G.R.Satchler , 1990
5-nuclear reactions and nuclear structure,. P. E. Hodgson, 1971
6-W.Norenberg, (1980)” heavy ion collisions, volume 2,chapter 1
7--G.I.Seaborg, W.D.Loveland,(1984). Treatise on heavy-ion science.
[FONT=Courier New (Arabic)][FONT=Courier New (Arabic)]
[/FONT][FONT=Courier New (Arabic)][FONT=Courier New (Arabic)]
[/FONT]8) R. A. Broglia and A. Winther, Heavy Ion Reactions( Addison-Wesley, Redwood City, CA,
ممكن ربنا يعافيك هذه الكتب جعل ذلك في ميزان حسناتك
1-direct nuclear reactions, G.R.Satchler, 1983
2-fusion, R.Herman,1990
3-nuclear physics .National reserch council, 1986
4-introduction to nuclear reactions, G.R.Satchler , 1990
5-nuclear reactions and nuclear structure,. P. E. Hodgson, 1971
6-W.Norenberg, (1980)” heavy ion collisions, volume 2,chapter 1
7--G.I.Seaborg, W.D.Loveland,(1984). Treatise on heavy-ion science.
[FONT=Courier New (Arabic)][FONT=Courier New (Arabic)][/FONT][FONT=Courier New (Arabic)][FONT=Courier New (Arabic)]
[/FONT][/FONT]8) R. A. Broglia and A. Winther, Heavy Ion Reactions( Addison-Wesley, Redwood City, CA,

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