Evidence-based Approach in Cataract Surgery
By Jay Bhopi
* Publisher: Informa Healthcare
* Number Of Pages: 176
* Publication Date: 2005-03-29
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1841844659
Product Description:
It is absolutely necessary that the practising ophthalmologist bases clinical and surgical decisions on valid data rather than simply on intuition, hearsay or peer-practice, although this is not to denigrate either one's own opinion or those of colleagues. Evidence-based medicine helps to improve clinical or surgical practice by evaluating the quality of clinical evidence and ensuring that only the best evidence from clinical research is used in the management of individual outcomes. Given that cataract patients may experience infection and complications it is best if the surgeon is on top of the current literature for prevention. Moreover, the surgeon should be au fait with the latest phacoemulsification techniques as well as advances in lens material and design. This marvellous publication covers all aspects of cataract surgery succinctly and provides the reader with enough guidance for best patient outcomes.
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