مشرف بكلية العلوم

مجموعه قيمه من الابحاث في Fuzzy Topology

Fuzzy Topology group 1
Fuzzy sets-1965
Fuzzy topological spaces-1968
Covering properties of fuzzy topological spaces-1973
Fuzzy points and local properties of fuzzy topology-1974
Fuzzy topological concepts-1980
Fuzzy topology. I. Neighborhood structure of a fuzzy point and Moore-Smith convergence-1980
Fuzzy Hausdorff topological spaces-1981
Fuzzy T1-topological spaces-1984
Fuzzy closure spaces-1985
On fuzzy T1-topological spaces-1988

Fuzzy Topology group 2
Fuzzy preproximity spaces-1990
Almost compact fuzzy sets in fuzzy topological spaces-1990
Fuzzy topology redefined-1992
Fuzzy connected sets in fuzzy topological spaces-1992
Smooth topological spaces-1992
Gradation of openness: fuzzy topology-1992
Fuzzy topology: fuzzy closure operator, fuzzy compactness and fuzzy connectedness-1993
Some results on fuzzy topology on fuzzy sets-1993
Almost compactness and near compactness in smooth topological spaces-1994
On separation axioms in a newly defined fuzzy topology-1994
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