Problems Books in Mathematics

الموضوع في 'قسم الرياضيات' بواسطة ابن الخطاب, بتاريخ ‏نوفمبر 18, 2008.

  1. ibrahim1979

    ibrahim1979 New Member

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏ديسمبر 3, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:

    أخي ابو عبد الرحمن انا احابب اتعرف منك كيفية استكمال الدراسة في ماليزيا اذا بتقدر
  2. tawba

    tawba New Member

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏نوفمبر 20, 2008
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    مكان الإقامة:

    جزاك الله خيرا
  3. ابن الخطاب

    ابن الخطاب مشرف قسم الرياضيات العامة إداري

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏أغسطس 30, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:


    Berkeley Problems in Mathematics
    By Paulo N. de Souza, Jorge-Nuno Silva, Paulo Ney de Souza

    Publisher: Springer
    Number Of Pages: 616
    Publication Date: 2004-01-20
    ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0387008926
    ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780387008929
    Binding: Paperback

    Book Description:

    This book is a compilation of approximately nine hundred problems, which have appeared on the preliminary exams in Berkeley over the last twenty years. It is an invaluable source of problems and solutions for every mathematics student who plans to enter a Ph.D. program. Students who work through this book will develop problem solving skills in areas such as real analysis, multivariable calculus, differential equations, metric spaces, complex analysis, algebra, and linear algebra. The problems are organized by subject and ordered in an increasing level of difficulty. This new edition contains approximately 120 new problems and 200 new solutions. It is an ideal means for students to strengthen their foundation in basic mathematics and to prepare for graduate studies

    1 person likes this.
  4. ابن الخطاب

    ابن الخطاب مشرف قسم الرياضيات العامة إداري

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏أغسطس 30, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:

    By Ji-Xiu Chen, Jiang Guo-Ying, Pan Yang-Lian, Qin Tie-Hu, Tong Yu-Sun, Wu Quan-Shui, Xu Shen-Zhi, Ta-Chien Li,​
    Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company
    Number Of Pages: 539
    Publication Date: 1999-06
    Sales Rank: 783961
    ISBN / ASIN: 9810234805
    EAN: 9789810234805
    Binding: Paperback
    Manufacturer: World Scientific Publishing Company
    Studio: World Scientific Publishing Company
    Average Rating: 5
    Total Reviews: 2

    1 person likes this.
  5. سناريا

    سناريا Active Member

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏مايو 1, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:

    بارك الله فيك اخي
  6. ابن الخطاب

    ابن الخطاب مشرف قسم الرياضيات العامة إداري

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏أغسطس 30, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:

    by LearningExpress Editors

    Publisher: LearningExpress
    Number Of Pages: 271
    Publication Date: 2002-08-09
    Sales Rank: 392050
    ISBN / ASIN: 1576854248
    EAN: 9781576854242
    Binding: Paperback
    Manufacturer: LearningExpress
    Studio: LearningExpress
    Average Rating: 1.5
    Total Reviews: 3

    Book Description:
    Key aptitude tests, such as the SAT and GRE, include an algebra section within the math portion of the exam. In lieu of this, college-bound students must master algebra to get into their school of choice. 501 Algebra Questions provides the questions to help master these tests. These algebra questions familiarize readers with algebraic expressions and integers, how to multiply and factor polynomials, and how to use quadratic formulas and sound reasoning skills to solve these problems. In addition, 501 Algebra Questions teaches math-phobics, or those just needing math practice, how to build analytical skills.

    password: tah

    EBN EL NEAL Well-Known Member

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏يونيو 15, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:

    بسم الله ما شاء الله ولا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله

    ربنا يحميك اخى العمرى لاخوتك

    شغل عمالقه ما شاء الله

    تحياتى لك اخى الحبيب
  8. ابن الخطاب

    ابن الخطاب مشرف قسم الرياضيات العامة إداري

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏أغسطس 30, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:


    College Algebra Solved!™ 2007
    by Bagatrix

    If you're looking for help in college algebra, you've come to the right

    place. College Algebra Solved!™ solves your most difficult college

    algebra problems, providing the answers you want with all of the step-

    by-step work and explanations you need. With additional powerful

    features including infinite example problems, practice tests, progress

    tracking, and a math document desiger College Algebra Solved!™ is the

    complete all-in-one college algebra solution you've been looking for.

    Exclusive College Algebra Software Solver
    Using Bagatrix Problem Solved!™ Technology, an advanced mathematical

    software solving system, College Algebra Solved!™ lets you enter in

    YOUR college algebra problems and provides the answers with step-by-

    step work.

    Covers All College Algebra Topoics:

    Addition/Elimination Method
    Arithmetic of Functions
    Arithmetic Operations
    Arithmetic Sequences
    Calculating Slope and Y Intercept
    Combining Like Terms
    Completing the Square
    Complex Operations
    Composite Functions
    Determining Odd and Even Functions
    Determining Parallel Lines
    Determining Perpendicular Lines
    Difference of Cubes
    Difference of Squares
    Distance Formula
    Distributive Property
    Domain of Rational Expressions
    Evaluating Expressions
    Evaluating Function
    Expanding Logarithmic Expressions
    Expanding Series Notation
    Exponential Equations
    Exponential Expressions
    Factoring by Grouping
    Factoring Out Greatest Common Factor (GCF)
    Factoring Trinomials
    Factoring Using Any Method
    Find the Midpoint of the Line Segment
    Finding a Point's Quadrant
    Finding Equations Using the Point-Slope Formula
    Finding Equations Using Two Points
    Finding the nTh Term
    Finding the Sum of First n Terms
    Geometric Sequences
    Identifying Circles

    Identifying Degree of Polynomial
    Identifying Ellipses
    Identifying Hyperbolas
    Identifying Parabolas
    Interval Inequalities
    Logarithmic Equations
    Matrix Addition
    Matrix Multiplication
    Matrix Multiplication by a Scalar
    Matrix Subtraction
    Maximum/Minimum of Quadratic Functions
    Multiplying Polynomials Using FOIL
    Negative Exponents
    Operations on Polynomials
    Operations on Rational Expressions
    Polynomial Division
    Quadratic Formula
    Quadratic Inequalities
    Rational Inequalities
    Rationalizing Radical Expressions
    Rationalizing with Complex Conjugates
    Roots of Functions
    Simple Exponents
    Simplifying Absolute Value Expressions
    Simplifying Expressions
    Simplifying Functions
    Simplifying Logarithmic Expressions
    Simplifying Radical Expressions
    Simplifying Rational Expressions by Factoring
    Solve by Graphing Method
    Solving Equations by Factoring
    Solving Equations with Absolute Values
    Solving Linear Equations
    Solving Linear Inequalities
    Solving Radical Equations
    Solving Rational Equations
    Substitution Method
    Sum of Cubes
    Synthetic Division
    Trinomial Squares

  9. ابن الخطاب

    ابن الخطاب مشرف قسم الرياضيات العامة إداري

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏أغسطس 30, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:


    Dusan Djukic, Vladimir Z. Jankovic, Ivan Matic, Nikola Petrovic
    "The IMO Compendium: A Collection of Problems Suggested for The International
    Mathematical Olympiads: 1959-2004"
    Springer | 2006-02-23 | ISBN: 0387242996 | 746 pages | PDF | 5,3 MB

    The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) has within its almost 50-year-old history become the most popular and prestigious competition for high-school students interested in mathematics. Only six students from each participating country are given the honor of participating in this competition every year. The IMO represents not only a great opportunity to tackle interesting and challenging mathematics problems, it also offers a way for high school students to measure up with students from the rest of the world.
    The IMO has sparked off a burst of creativity among enthusiasts in creating new and interesting mathematics problems. In an extremely stiff competition, only six problems are chosen each year to appear on the IMO. The total number of problems proposed for the IMOs up to this point is staggering and, as a whole, this collection of problems represents a valuable resource for all high school students preparing for the IMO.
    Until now it has been almost impossible to obtain a complete collection of the problems proposed at the IMO in book form. "The IMO Compendium" is the result of a two year long collaboration between four former IMO participants from Yugoslavia, now Serbia and Montenegro, to rescue these problems from old and scattered manuscripts, and produce the ultimate source of IMO practice problems. This book attempts to gather all the problems and solutions appearing on the IMO, as well as the so-called "short-lists", a total of 864 problems. In addition, the book contains 1036 problems from various "long-lists" over the years, for a grand total of 1900 problems.
    In short, "The IMO Compendium" is the ultimate collection of challenging high-school-level mathematics problems. It will be an invaluable resource, not only for high-school students preparing for mathematics competitions, but for anyone who loves and appreciates math.

  10. ابن الخطاب

    ابن الخطاب مشرف قسم الرياضيات العامة إداري

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏أغسطس 30, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:


    Solving Least Squares Problems
    (Classics in Applied Mathematics)
    By Charles L. Lawson, Richard J. Hanson

    Publisher: Society for Industrial Mathematics
    Number Of Pages: 350
    Publication Date: 1987-01-01
    ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0898713560
    ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780898713565
    Binding: Paperback

    Product Description:
    An accessible text for the study of numerical methods for solving least squares problems remains an essential part of a scientific software foundation. This book has served this purpose well. Numerical analysts, statisticians, and engineers have developed techniques and nomenclature for the least squares problems of their own discipline. This well-organized presentation of the basic material needed for the solution of least squares problems can unify this divergence of methods. Mathematicians, practicing engineers, and scientists will welcome its return to print. The material covered includes Householder and Givens orthogonal transformations, the QR and SVD decompositions, equality constraints, solutions in nonnegative variables, banded problems, and updating methods for sequential estimation. Both the theory and practical algorithms are included. The easily understood explanations and the appendix providing a review of basic linear algebra make the book accessible for the non-specialist.

    password: twilightzone
  11. hanin

    hanin New Member

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏سبتمبر 7, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:

    ماشاء الله عنك اخي ابو عبد الرحمن
    عمل ضخم وهائل
    بارك الله فيك ورزقك الذرية الصالحة باذن الله
  12. كليب

    كليب New Member

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏يونيو 26, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:

    الله يوفقكو كيف بنحمل من
  13. الرويال

    الرويال New Member

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏فبراير 9, 2009
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:

    شكرا لك يا اخي

    يعطيك العافية
  14. ابن الخطاب

    ابن الخطاب مشرف قسم الرياضيات العامة إداري

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏أغسطس 30, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:

    The Problems of Mathematics 2ND Edition
    By Ian Stewart

    Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
    Number Of Pages: 368
    Publication Date: 1992-10-01
    ISBN-10 / ASIN: B000OK8F7G, 0192861484, 0192192620
    ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780192861481, 9780192192622

    Product Description:

    Greeted with terrific reviews, the first edition of this book proved to be widely popular as both a teaching aid and an entertaining introduction to modern mathematics. It succeeded in opening the door for general readers to the power and beauty of a field often thought of as remote and lifeless. In fact, more mathematical research is being done today than ever before, while the field is evolving with unprecedented rapidity and excitement. For this second edition, Ian Stewart has fully revised the text to incorporate recent developments. There are many new illustrations, and three new chapters, including one on Kepler's sphere-packing problem, which has recently been solved, 380 years after it was first articulated. In addition, the book surveys many other areas of current research in nontechnical terms, describing what the key problems are, where they come from, how they get solved, and what can be done with the answers that are forthcoming. Readers will learn what mathematicians are like, and how their work has affected our society and history. Topics include such famous problems as Fermat's last theorem, the Riemann hypothesis, the Poincare conjecture, prime numbers, non-Euclidean geometry, the concept of infinity, probability, catastrophe theory, chaos, fractals, algorithms, and undecidable propositions. A final chapter discusses the relation between mathematics and its applications. Each topic is developed within a historical framework, and a number of recent breakthroughs are presented for the first time in a manner that general readers will find easy to understand. Ideal as supplementary reading in the classroom, The Problems of Mathematics will also be enjoyed by anyone interested in mathematics or who has sought to understand the fascinating work taking place in the field today.

  15. ابن الخطاب

    ابن الخطاب مشرف قسم الرياضيات العامة إداري

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏أغسطس 30, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:

    Open Problems in Analysis


  16. ابن الخطاب

    ابن الخطاب مشرف قسم الرياضيات العامة إداري

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏أغسطس 30, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:
    -Plane Geometry

    by: Victor Prasolov, translated and edited by Dimitry Leites


    by: V.Prasolov, I.Sharygin, translated and edited by Dimitry Leites


  17. ابن الخطاب

    ابن الخطاب مشرف قسم الرياضيات العامة إداري

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏أغسطس 30, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:

    Problems and Solutions in Introductory and Advanced Matrix Calculus


    World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd | 2006 | ISBN: 9812702024 | 252 pages | Djvu | 2,4 MB

    As an extensive collection of problems with detailed solutions in introductory and advanced matrix calculus, this self-contained book is ideal for both graduate and undergraduate mathematics students. The coverage includes systems of linear equations, linear differential equations, functions of matrices and the Kronecker product. Many of the problems are related to applications in areas such as group theory, Lie algebra theory and graph theory. Thus, physics and engineering students will also benefit from the book. Exercises for matrix-valued differential forms are also included.

  18. بنت الشهداء

    بنت الشهداء Well-Known Member

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏يوليو 12, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:
    مكان الإقامة:
    جعله الله فى ميزان اعمالك الصالحة
    وفقك الله
  19. ابن الخطاب

    ابن الخطاب مشرف قسم الرياضيات العامة إداري

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏أغسطس 30, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:

    Problems in Real Analysis
    Advanced Calculus on the Real Axis

    By Teodora-Liliana Radulescu, Vincentiu D. Radulescu, Titu Andreescu

    Publisher: Springer
    Number Of Pages: 452
    Publication Date: 2009-05-29
    ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0387773789
    ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780387773780

    Product Description

    Problems in Real Analysis: Advanced Calculus on the Real Axis features a comprehensive collection of challenging problems in mathematical analysis that aim to promote creative, non-standard techniques for solving problems. This self-contained text offers a host of new mathematical tools and strategies which develop a connection between analysis and other mathematical disciplines, such as physics and engineering. A broad view of mathematics is presented throughout; the text is excellent for the classroom or self-study. It is intended for undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics, as well as for researchers engaged in the interplay between applied analysis, mathematical physics, and numerical analysis

  20. بنت الشهداء

    بنت الشهداء Well-Known Member

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏يوليو 12, 2008
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:
    مكان الإقامة:
    بارك الله فيك على هده الكتب
    سدد الله خطاك واسعدك

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