اروع البرامج الطبيه العلميه والعمليه على كتاب العرب

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.
the password of interactive ecg is what please help me
Interactive ECG


no passort
please any one to help me to open that interactive ecg i load it but all what i found is numbers and letters how do i do
dear seir
linke working 100%
you must dowload file and do instiletion program as in foto


when instilition complet go to start and find program clik on it and programm will start
good luck
sorry sir but when i have done what do u say they asked me the name of the institution or company because the software is licenced
thanks sir now its ok thank you so so so so much
and so sorry for the disturbance
djazaka allah ani koul khir
الأخ العزيز أبو ليندا ........شكراً لك على المجهود الرائع وأريد منك ان تكتب رابط برنامج الادوية
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.