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البرنامج الجغرافي GPS Express 3.2
One of Steelwater Solutions Corporation's most exciting and innovative products is GPS Express™ NMEA-0183 protocol software. GPS Express™ greatly enhances and simplifies working with NMEA-0183 data, such as is found in GPS receivers. Version 3.x series adds many features including esMapMaster, graphical/textual indicators, and color coded information
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نسألكم الدعاء لنا ولكم وللمجاهدين في سبيل الله في كل مكان وللمسلمين اجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
البرنامج الجغرافي GPS Express 3.2

One of Steelwater Solutions Corporation's most exciting and innovative products is GPS Express™ NMEA-0183 protocol software. GPS Express™ greatly enhances and simplifies working with NMEA-0183 data, such as is found in GPS receivers. Version 3.x series adds many features including esMapMaster, graphical/textual indicators, and color coded information
حمل من المرفقات
نسألكم الدعاء لنا ولكم وللمجاهدين في سبيل الله في كل مكان وللمسلمين اجمعين