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Driver Cleaner .NET

يقوم تنظيف جميع بقايا الدرايفات في الجهاز بأقسامه من كل ماهو زائد
وغير ضروري مما ينعكس هذا الأمر ايجابيا على نشاط الجهاز وأدائه وسرعته
وذالك نتيجة حذف وأزالة كل ماهو زائد وليس له ضرورة
كما يقوم بتحديث الدرايفات الموجودة بالجهاز...
Driver Cleaner.NET has been completely rewritten from the
ground up to fully support .net framework which runs in
Windows 98, 98SE, ME, 2000, XP, 2003 and natively in
Windows Vista.
Driver Cleaner.NET is a program which helps you to remove
parts of drivers that are left after uninstalling the old
drivers. The program is for ATI, nVidia, Creative, Realtek,
SIS, 3Dfx, S3 and more drivers. First you need to uninstall
the drivers from the control panel, then reboot to safemode.
After rebooting, run the program. For a good description of
what steps you should take, you really need to read the help
file as it contains detailed instructions and descriptions.
Cab Cleaner.NET is a program that will clean the cab files. It
is possible that windows will overwrite driver files with older
files or install drivers from the cab files. Cab Cleaner will
remove the ATI and nVidia files from the cab file to prevent
Live Update.NET will look online for new versions of the
program files and filters and will download them if there are
new versions. This has the advantage that you get new filters
and updates to existing program files without uninstalling and
reinstalling the program.
Driver Version Check can display what your current installed
drivers is and it will download a file from the Driverheaven
downloads server with the latest versions on the download
server and displays that. Currently supported are ATI
Display Drivers and nVidia Display Drivers
الحجم 5.5 ميغا
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