Implementation of a BPSK transceiver on a software defined radio platform
Y. Tachwali, H. Refai
Peak to Average Power Ratio Analysis of Multi-carrier and Multi-standard Signals in Software Radio Context
A cross-layer design for QoS implementation for MANETs Applied to DSR
B. Kadri, Dj. Moussaoui, Mhd. Feham
A New Web Service Discovery Model Based On QoS
M. Al-Hunaity, A. El-Sheikh, B. Dudin
A Scalable Mathematical QoS Model for IP Networks
E. B Fgee, W. J. Phillips, A. M. Elhouni, A. Smeda
C Centralized vs. Decentralized QoS Management Policy
F. Alhalabi, N. Batouma, R. Aubry, M. Maranzana, L. Morel, J.L. Sourrouille
Resource Optimization in Mobile Networks 802.11 Combined to QoS IP Networks
J. Oubaha