مجموعة كتب عن Chaotic Dynamics

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اما طلبي الاخر فهو هذين الكتابين

Dynamical Systems with Applications using MATLAB by Stephen Lynch

Chaotic Dynamics: An Introduction, second edition, Cambridge University Press (1996

G. L. Baker and J. P. Gollub

جزاكم الله خيرا

Concepts and Results in Chaotic Dynamics: A Short Course
Springer | ISBN 3540347054 | 2006-11-16 | PDF | 232 pages | 7.61 MB

The study of dynamical systems is a well established field. Having given graduate-level courses on the subject for many years, the authors have now written this book to provide a panorama of the aspects that are of interest to mathematicians and physicists alike. Avoiding belaboured proofs, the exposition concentrates instead on abundant illustrations and examples, while still retaining sufficient mathematical precision. Besides the standard topics of the field, questions of physical measurement and stochastic properties of chaotic dynamical systems are given much attention


Nonlinear Dynamics of Chaotic and Stochastic Systems: Tutorial and Modern Developments (Springer Series in Synergetics)
Springer | ISBN 3540381643 | 2007-01 | PDF | 450 pages | 19.2 MB

This book is a complete treatise on the theory of nonlinear dynamics of chaotic and stochastic systems. It contains both an exhaustive introduction to the subject as well as a detailed discussion of fundamental problems and research results in a field to which the authors have made important contributions themselves. Despite the unified presentation of the subject, care has been taken to present the material in largely self-contained chapters. The present book can thus be used either as a textbook by graduate students or as a modern monograph by researchers in this field. The second edition has been substantially enlarged to include sections on statistical properties of dynamical chaos, on effects of synchronization in oscillatory systems and on synchronization in living systems.


Chaotic Worlds: from Order to Disorder in Gravitational N-Body Dynamical Systems
Springer | ISBN 1402047053 | 2006-09-11 | PDF | 342 pages | 5.56 MB

The gravitational N-body problem dominates much of theoretical astrophysics. It arises in problems ranging from the motion of artificial and natural satellites to the behaviour of stars in star clusters and galaxies. In the past, research in Celestial Mechanics has focused on analytical and numerical studies of ordered systems, with chaotic behaviour or disorder being the fascinating anomaly. Recently, however, scientists have begun to forge the link between order and disorder: designing new methods to recognise chaos’ signature and developing new theories on the sources of chaotic behaviour. They are applying these techniques successfully to solve real-world problems in solar system dynamics, galactic dynamics and other areas of physics such as particle acceleration.

Based on the recent NATO Advanced Study Institute "Chaotic Worlds: From Order to Disorder in Gravitational N-Body Dynamical Systems", this state of the art textbook, written by internationally renowned experts, provides an invaluable reference volume for all students and researchers in gravitational n-body systems. The contributions are especially designed to give a systematic development from the fundamental mathematics which underpin modern studies of ordered and chaotic behaviour in n-body dynamics to their application to real motion in planetary systems. This volume presents an up-to-date synoptic view of the subject.


Tamás Tél, Márton Gruiz, "Chaotic Dynamics: An Introduction Based on Classical Mechanics"
Cambridge University Press | ISBN: 0521547830 | September 18, 2006 | PDF | 412 pages | 8598 KB

“It has been discovered over the past few decades that even motions in simple systems can have complex and surprising properties. This volume provides a clear introduction to these chaotic phenomena, based on geometrical interpretations and simple arguments, without the need for prior in-depth scientific and mathematical knowledge. Richly illustrated throughout, its examples are taken from classical mechanics whose elementary laws are familiar to the reader. In order to emphasize the general features of chaos, the most important relations are also given in simple mathematical forms, independent of any mechanical interpretation.




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