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مشرفة قسم الصيدلة

Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Number Of Pages: 432
Publication Date: 2006-07-01
-10 / ASIN: 0781782155
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780781782159
Binding: Paperback
Product Description:
Now in full color, Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews[FONT=arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif]Microbiology[/FONT][/FONT], Second Edition enables rapid review and assimilation of large amounts of complex information about medical microbiology. The book has the hallmark features for which Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews volumes are so popular: an outline format, 450 full-color illustrations, end-of-chapter summaries, review questions, plus an entire section of clinical case studies with full-color illustrations. This [FONT=arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif]edition's[/FONT][/FONT] medical/clinical focus has been sharpened to provide a high-yield review. Five additional case studies have been included, bringing the total to nineteen. Review questions have been reformatted to comply with USMLE Step 1 style, with clinical vignettes.
Rating: 5
Rating: 5
This book rocks. Seriously. The second edition is a serious improvement over the first. The integration with with other Lippincott reviews (Biochem & Pharm) puts this book on the must-have short-list for Step 1.
Watch out Med Micro Made Ridiculously Simple, this could and should be the new number one USMLE micro book.
Summary: A Lot of Information Given Out Pretty Fast
Rating: 5
Rating: 5
Notice the word 'Reviews' in the title. This series of books from Lippincott are just that. A review of the subject, in this case Microbiology. This book doesn't spend a lot of time introducing you to the basic concepts of microbiology. The third sentence in the book explains it pretty well: 'In this volume, we primarily consider the role of microorganisms - bacteris, fungi, protozoa, helminths, and viruses - in the initiation and spread of human diseases.'
I find that this book is a bit advanced for undergraduate study. It is not a general text on microbiology. As the sentence quoted above clearly says, it is oriented to diseases. But for a graduate student who needs either a rapid review of past microbiology courses, or who now needs to get up to speed in this area it is an excellent choice. In its 450 or so pages it completely covers the subject and in a fairly light, fast, well illustrated, and well summarized manner. It even has time, once in a while to insert a microbiology oriented cartoon.
Summary: Good but not as good as the [FONT=arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif]biochemistry [/FONT][/FONT]review
Rating: 4
Rating: 4
I bought Lippicott's microbiology review, after having WONDERFUL success with their biochemistry review text. The one fundamental difference in the text books is that there is no summary at the end of each chapter. The summaries are awesome, and without them, this review series is not nearly as helpful.
Summary: Good mirco review for microbiology class
Rating: 5
Rating: 5
I used this book for my medical microbiology class as a study tool and found it quite useful. It highlights all you need to know for [FONT=arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif]fungi[/FONT][/FONT], [FONT=arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif][FONT=arial,helvetica,clean,sans-serif]bacteria[/FONT][/FONT], viruses and parasites. I also referenced the following:
Tortora's Microbiology Text
Patrick Leonardi's Microbiology Study Guide: Key Review Questions and Answers
Tortora's book was really easy to understand and Leonardi's study guide was vital for my complete test preparation. These three books were of great help
Tortora's Microbiology Text
Patrick Leonardi's Microbiology Study Guide: Key Review Questions and Answers
Tortora's book was really easy to understand and Leonardi's study guide was vital for my complete test preparation. These three books were of great help