القاموس الهندسي الالكتروني المصور (عربي انجليزي - انجليزي عربي) Cd

من فضلكم ارجوا الافادة
انا حاولت تحميل البرنامج ولكنه مش موجود علي filefactory
و جزاكم الله كل الخير
I have tried to download this very helpful Technical Dictionary, but unfortunately, every time I go to a different to any of the multi links in the file text at this web page, I get the following notice:​
Sorry, this file is no longer available. It may have been deleted by the uploader, or has expired. This error is usually caused by requesting a file that does not exist
Is there another way that I could download the same, if yes, please do guide me through
(y) Many million thanks