British National Formulary (BNF) 54 September 2007

صيدلانية سعودية

مشرفة قسم الصيدلة
British National Formulary (BNF) 54 September 2007

Publisher: Pharmaceutical Press | Pages: 934 | 2007-10-13 | ISBN: 0853697361 | CHM | 10 MB
Compiled with the advice of clinical experts, this essential reference provides up-to-date guidance on prescribing, dispensing and administering medicines. The BNF details medicines prescribed in the UK, with special reference to their uses, cautions, contraindications, side-effects, dosage and relative costs. Updated in print every six months, the BNF reflects current best practice as well as legal and professional guidelines relating to the use of medicines.


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    266 بايت · المشاهدات: 354
بصدق أود شكرك على عدة كتب أكثر من قيم وعلى المجهود الرائع الذي تقومين به
شكرا جزيلاً
شكرا على الكتب اللتي قمت بوضعها
مجهوود يستحق أكثر من الشكر ..
u know if the word thanks is enough i will say it thousands times but as words are so small for ur nice work i would like to say that No One can give u charge but Allah
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