كيمياء تحليلية The HPLC Solvent Guide


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The HPLC Solvent Guide

by Paul C. Sadek

Book Description
The HPLC Solvent Guide provides detailed coverage of all commonly used HPLC solvents used in a wide range of separations.
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a procedure for separating components from a mixture of chemical substances; a combination of separation, identification, and quantitative measurements. Solvent selection is perhaps the most commonly overlooked parameter in HPLC. Even the most experienced analytical chemist tends to select one of three familiar solvents. HPLC is a mature but substantial market, and one that Wiley reaches successfully and well.
The HPLC list is established, and this second edition of a successful title… will build upon the success of the first. This is a revised and expanded edition in a field that is still growing into areas of analysis and methods.
This Book Covers the following:
  • Reviews the role of solvents in HPLC.
  • Detailed and expanded presentation reviewing all commonly-used solvent classes and chemical and physical properties.
  • Easy reference for solvent class, field of application, and specific analyte class.
  • Each separation is described fully; listing sample matrix, analytes separated and quantified, chromatographic parameters used, and abbreviated results.
  • Popular “how to” and “how not to” methodology.
  • Tables feature physical, chemical, and chromatographic properties of individual solvent classes; safety and health parameters; availability in terms of supplier and performance specifications; and chemical structures of solvents.
  • Focus is on practical applications and use of method optimization processes.
  • Detailed discussion of method optimization techniques (triangulation, window diagrams).
  • The concept of method validation is presented, including functional definitions and general guidelines for validation protocols.
  • Detailed discussion of system suitability parameters, what they are, and how they are used.
  • Over 600 new abstracted articles reviewed, building on 1,100 articles in the 1st edition.
  • A key area of increased focus is natural products/botanicals/herbals.
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