طلبات كتب الرياضيات/ لا تطلب اكثر من 3 كتب

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merci pour la reponse , mais si possible un livre concernant les équations kdv et soliton car je travail sur des équations non linéaire en physique de plasmas (dusty plasmas) merci
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته :

ارجو مساعدتي في الحصول على الكتاب التالي . وللعلم هو موجود على book search springer بمجرد البحث عن طريق الباحث العلمي قوقل تجده لكن لم استطع تحميله ...


(hi)السلام عليكم ....
شكرا شكرا شكرا جزززززززززززيييييللا على مجهوداتكم الجبارة وكذلك الشكر الكبير على ايجاد الكتاب المطلوب (بارك الله فيكم وبارك لكم وجعلكم منارة للعلم والعلماء).
إخواني الأعزاء أخواتي العزيزات:
لقد طلبت مسبقا كتاب
Probability: A Graduate Course (Springer Texts in Statistics)
Allan Gut

وقد وجدتموه لي مشكورين
ولكن طلبي الآن اذا كان بالامكان ايجاد حلول مسائل هذا الكتاب
واذا لم يكن فأي كتاب حلول لأي كتاب احتمالات متقدم آخر فهو مفيد جدا لي
ولكم جزيل الشكر
إخواني الأعزاء أخواتي العزيزات:
لقد طلبت مسبقا كتاب
Probability: A Graduate Course (Springer Texts in Statistics)
Allan Gut

وقد وجدتموه لي مشكورين
ولكن طلبي الآن اذا كان بالامكان ايجاد حلول مسائل هذا الكتاب
واذا لم يكن فأي كتاب حلول لأي كتاب احتمالات متقدم آخر فهو مفيد جدا لي
ولكم جزيل الشكر

Probability: A Graduate Course


Allan Gut "Probability: A Graduate Course"
Springer | 2007-04-24 | ISBN: 0387228330 | 603 pages | PDF | 2,3 MB

"I know it's trivial, but I have forgotten why". This is a slightly exaggerated characterization of the unfortunate attitude of many mathematicians toward the surrounding world. The point of departure of this book is the opposite.
This textbook on the theory of probability is aimed at graduate students, with the ideology that rather than being a purely mathematical discipline, probability theory is an intimate companion of statistics. The book starts with the basic tools, and goes on to chapters on inequalities, characteristic functions, convergence, followed by the three main subjects, the law of large numbers, the central limit theorem, and the law of the iterated logarithm. After a discussion of generalizations and extensions, the book concludes with an extensive chapter on martingales.
The main feature of this book is the combination of rigor and detail. Instead of being sketchy and leaving lots of technicalities to be filled in by the reader or as easy exercises, a more solid foundation is obtained by providing more of those not so trivial matters and by integrating some of those not so simple exercises and problems into the body of text.
Some results have been given more than one proof in order to illustrate the pros and cons of different approaches. On occasion we invite the reader to minor extensions, for which the proofs reduce to minor modifications of existing ones, with the aim of creating an atmosphere of a dialogue with the reader (instead of the more typical monologue), in order to put the reader in the position to approach any other text for which a solid probabilistic foundation is necessary.
Allan Gut is a professor of Mathematical Statistics at Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. He is the author of the Springer monograph "Stopped Random Walks" (1988), the Springer textbook "An Intermediate Course in Probability" (1995), and has published around 60 articles in probability theory. His interest in attracting a more general audience to the beautiful world of probability has been manifested in his Swedish popular science book Sant eller Sannolikt ("True or Probable"), Norstedts förlag (2002).
From the reviews:
"This is more substantial than the usual graduate course in probability; it contains many useful and interesting details that previously were scattered around the literature and gives clear evidence that the writer has a great deal of experience in the area."
Short Book Reviews of the International Statistical Institute, December 2005
"...This book is a readable, comprehensive, and up-to-date introductory textbook to probability theory with emphasis on limit theorems for sums and extremes of random variables. The purchase is worth its price."
Journal of the American Statistical Association, June 2006


سلامي الى ابن الخطاب.............
من زمان مانعرف اخباركم
اتمنى ان تكونان بخير

بارك الله فيكم على هذا النشاط الملحوظ ...
اخواني ابحث عن كتاب التفاضل و التكامل و كتاب المصفوفات من سلسلة شوم باللغة العربية او الفرنسية
كدا ارجو من الاخوان ان مساعدتي في الحصول على كتب الرياضيات للمهندسين كذلك باللغة العربية او الفرنسية
وكان الله غي عون اعبد مادام العبد في عون اخيه ....
هل من الممكن كتاب
Principles and Procedures of Statistics
R. Steel and J. Torrie
وكذلك كتاب
Introduction to Population Genetics
Falconer and McKay
ولكم خالص الشكر
Probability: A Graduate Course


Allan Gut "Probability: A Graduate Course"
Springer | 2007-04-24 | ISBN: 0387228330 | 603 pages | PDF | 2,3 MB

"I know it's trivial, but I have forgotten why". This is a slightly exaggerated characterization of the unfortunate attitude of many mathematicians toward the surrounding world. The point of departure of this book is the opposite.

This textbook on the theory of probability is aimed at graduate students, with the ideology that rather than being a purely mathematical discipline, probability theory is an intimate companion of statistics. The book starts with the basic tools, and goes on to chapters on inequalities, characteristic functions, convergence, followed by the three main subjects, the law of large numbers, the central limit theorem, and the law of the iterated logarithm. After a discussion of generalizations and extensions, the book concludes with an extensive chapter on martingales.
The main feature of this book is the combination of rigor and detail. Instead of being sketchy and leaving lots of technicalities to be filled in by the reader or as easy exercises, a more solid foundation is obtained by providing more of those not so trivial matters and by integrating some of those not so simple exercises and problems into the body of text.
Some results have been given more than one proof in order to illustrate the pros and cons of different approaches. On occasion we invite the reader to minor extensions, for which the proofs reduce to minor modifications of existing ones, with the aim of creating an atmosphere of a dialogue with the reader (instead of the more typical monologue), in order to put the reader in the position to approach any other text for which a solid probabilistic foundation is necessary.
Allan Gut is a professor of Mathematical Statistics at Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. He is the author of the Springer monograph "Stopped Random Walks" (1988), the Springer textbook "An Intermediate Course in Probability" (1995), and has published around 60 articles in probability theory. His interest in attracting a more general audience to the beautiful world of probability has been manifested in his Swedish popular science book Sant eller Sannolikt ("True or Probable"), Norstedts förlag (2002).
From the reviews:
"This is more substantial than the usual graduate course in probability; it contains many useful and interesting details that previously were scattered around the literature and gives clear evidence that the writer has a great deal of experience in the area."
Short Book Reviews of the International Statistical Institute, December 2005
"...This book is a readable, comprehensive, and up-to-date introductory textbook to probability theory with emphasis on limit theorems for sums and extremes of random variables. The purchase is worth its price."
Journal of the American Statistical Association, June 2006

سلامي الى ابن الخطاب.............

من زمان مانعرف اخباركم
اتمنى ان تكونان بخير

شكرا جزيلا على جهودك ولكني نوهت منذ البداية انني لا أريد الكتاب وانما حلوله ... أو حلول اي كتاب احتمالات متقدم​
أحبابي يعطيكم العافيه
أرجو منكم مساعدتي للحصول على الكتب التاليه أو ما يتعلق بها :
1- بحوث العمليات باللغه العربيه
2- أي كتب تتحدث عن صفوف الانتظار باللغة العربيه
3- geometry

ولكم مني جزيل الشكر
أحبابي يعطيكم العافيه
أرجو منكم مساعدتي للحصول على الكتب التاليه أو ما يتعلق بها :
1- بحوث العمليات باللغه العربيه
2- أي كتب تتحدث عن صفوف الانتظار باللغة العربيه
3- geometry

ولكم مني جزيل الشكر

السلام عليكم

1- مش موجود.

2- لا ادري ماذا تقصد بصفوف الانتظار؟

3- اي هندسة تريد؟ حدد كتاب او اسم الهندسة ؟
الله يسعدك أخوي ابن الخطاب أنا بدي كتب عن :
translations geometry
reflexive geometry
rotations geometry
spherical geometry
cevas theorem
menalos theorem
وكل هذا ضمن الهندسه الاقليديه وغير الاقليديه
مع جزيل الشكر
الله يسعدك أخوي ابن الخطاب أنا بدي كتب عن :
translations geometry
reflexive geometry
rotations geometry
spherical geometry
cevas theorem
menalos theorem
وكل هذا ضمن الهندسه الاقليديه وغير الاقليديه
مع جزيل الشكر

ارجو ان تنفعك هذه الكتب


Modern Geometry with Applications

By George A. Jennings

Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 187
Publication Date: 1997-06-12
Sales Rank: 1099810
ISBN / ASIN: 038794222X
EAN: 9780387942223
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Springer
Studio: Springer
Average Rating: 3.5
Total Reviews: 2

Book Description:
This is an introduction to the theory and applications of modern geometry. It differs from other books in its field in its emphasis on applications and its discussion of Special Relativity as a major example of a non-Euclidean geometry. Besides Special Relativity, it covers two other important ares of non-Euclidean goemetry: spherical geometry (used in navigation and astronomy) and projective geometry (used in art). In addition, it reviews many useful topics from Euclidean geometry, emphasizing transformations, and includes a chapter on conics and planetary orbits. Applications are stressed throughout the book. Every topic is motivated by an application and many additional applications are given in the exercises. The book would be an excellent introduction to higher geometry for those students, especially prospective mathematics and teachers, who need to know how geometry is used in addition to its formal theory

Publisher: Wiley
Number Of Pages: 496
Publication Date: 1989-02-23
Sales Rank: 95816
ISBN / ASIN: 0471504580
EAN: 9780471504580
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Wiley
Studio: Wiley
Average Rating: 4.5
Total Reviews: 3

Book Description:

This classic work is now available in an unabridged paperback edition. The Second Edition retains all the characterisitcs that made the first edition so popular: brilliant exposition, the flexibility permitted by relatively self-contained chapters, and broad coverage ranging from topics in the Euclidean plane, to affine geometry, projective geometry, differential geometry, and topology. The Second Edition incorporates improvements in the text and in some proofs, takes note of the solution of the 4-color map problem, and provides answers to most of the exercises.


Introduction To Non-Euclidean Geometry

By Harold E. Wolfe


وهذا كتاب نادر لـ Hilbert الي وضع التحليل الاقتراني بصورته اليوم

Geometry and the Imagination
By David Hilbert


مشكوووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووور كتييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييير
ما أروعك
الله يباركلك ويخليك
السلام عليكم أخي الكريم
جزاك الله كل خير على هذا المجهود العظيم
أرجو المساعدة في الحصول على الكتاب التالي ( الكتاب باللغة الفرنسية )

Dictionnaire des mathematiques
algebre, analyse, geometrie
علماً أنه موجود في المنتدى في موضوع الكتب الفرنسية ولكن الرابط لا يعمل أو قد تم رفعه
مع خالص احترامي والشكر سلفا
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.