طلبات كتب الرياضيات/ لا تطلب اكثر من 3 كتب

مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.
a transition to advanced mathenatics بدي هذا الكتاب

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اخواني اتمنى انكو تساعدوني لاني بحاجة لهذا الكتاب

( a transition to advanced mathenatics)

للمؤلف( D.Smith,M.Eggen,R..St.Andre

جزاكم الله خير
طلب ضروري

السلام عليكم

شكرا جزيلا على هذا الموضوع المفيد

ولكن لي عندك طلب ضروري ارجوا ان تفيدوني

اريد كتاب
introduction to partial differential equation

K.Sankara Rao

2nd Edition

وشكرا مرة اخرى

وجدت كتابا بنفس العنوان و لكن ليس لنفس المؤلف ربما تجد به المعلومات المطلوبة



الملف في المرفقات


  • IPDE.rar
    1.7 MB · المشاهدات: 63
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم
اريد كتاب Number-theoretic Algorithms in Cryptography
للكاتب O.N. Vasilenko
(english version )
كتاب Primality Testing and Integer Factorization in Public-Key Cryptography
للكاتب Yan, Song Y.
ALLAH bless u.
أهلين أخي العزيز ,

شكراً على جهودك الرائعه

و يسعدني ان تساعدي في ايجاد حلول لهذا الكتاب

PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS for Engineers and Scientists
Ronald Walpole - Raymond Myers - Sharon Myers

و يعطيك العافيه ,
optimal control of access by a media stream in a channel HSDPA

السلام عليكم
بحثي الذي أخدته للحصول على الماستر حول
optimal control of access by a media stream in a channel HSDPA
و بكل ما يتعلق ب : Markov Decision process و ب : controlled Markov chains
أرجو الإفادة حول هذا الموضوع و جزاكم الله خيرا
و لمن له نفس التخصص أو الإهتمام يمكننا تبادل المعلومات
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اخواني اتمنى انكو تساعدوني لاني بحاجة لهذا الكتاب

( a transition to advanced mathenatics)

للمؤلف( D.Smith,M.Eggen,R..St.Andre

جزاكم الله خير

اخي للاسف لم اجد ما طلبت
ولكن وجدت لك هذا الكتاب لعله يفيدك

Mathematical Thinking and Writing: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics
المؤلف: Randall Maddox

يعطيك ألف عافية على مجهودك

اذا ممكن أريد حلول كتاب :

discrete mathematics and its applications

الطبعة السادسة

للكاتب : Kenneth H.Rosen

أريد الحلول في أسرع وقت ممكن !!!!

وشكرا لكم
يعطيك ألف عافية على مجهودك

اذا ممكن أريد حلول كتاب :

discrete mathematics and its applications

الطبعة السادسة

للكاتب : Kenneth H.Rosen

أريد الحلول في أسرع وقت ممكن !!!!

وشكرا لكم

استاذنا العمري ...ينفع الكتاب انا حصلت عليه ...ام انه متوافر
اهلا استاذنا الكبير واخينا الحبيب علاء

نعم ينفع .. ضعه

تقبل تحياتي
Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications


Marc, "Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications"
McGraw Hill Higher Education; 6 ed | 2006 | ISBN: 0071244743 | 1006 pages | Djvu | 20 MB

"Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Sixth Edition", is intended for one- or two-term introductory discrete mathematics courses taken by students from a wide variety of majors, including computer science, mathematics, and engineering. This renowned best-selling text, which has been used at over 500 institutions around the world, gives a focused introduction to the primary themes in a discrete mathematics course and demonstrates the relevance and practicality of discrete mathematics to a wide variety of real-world applications...from computer science to data networking, to psychology, to chemistry, to engineering, to linguistics, to biology, to business, and to many other important fields.




Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications


Marc, "Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications"
McGraw Hill Higher Education; 6 ed | 2006 | ISBN: 0071244743 | 1006 pages | Djvu | 20 MB

"Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Sixth Edition", is intended for one- or two-term introductory discrete mathematics courses taken by students from a wide variety of majors, including computer science, mathematics, and engineering. This renowned best-selling text, which has been used at over 500 institutions around the world, gives a focused introduction to the primary themes in a discrete mathematics course and demonstrates the relevance and practicality of discrete mathematics to a wide variety of real-world applications...from computer science to data networking, to psychology, to chemistry, to engineering, to linguistics, to biology, to business, and to many other important fields.


الله يعطيك العافية ماقصرت بس أنا أريد حلول المسائل الموجودة في الكتاب لأن الكتاب نفسه موجود عندي
ياخواني ساعدوني

انا بحاجة لهذا الكتاب
(A Friendly introduction to graph theory)
للمؤلف(fred buckley
marty lewinter)

جزيتم الجنة​

Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions

Robert T Smith, Roland B Minton " Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions"
McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math | 2006-01-23 | ISBN: 0073229733 | 1261 pages | PDF | 38,6 MB

Smith/Minton: Mathematically Precise. Student-Friendly. Superior Technology. Students who have used Smith/Minton's Calculus say it was easier to read than any other math book they've used. That testimony underscores the success of the authors’ approach, which combines the best elements of reform with the most reliable aspects of mainstream calculus teaching, resulting in a motivating, challenging book. Smith/Minton also provide exceptional, reality-based applications that appeal to students’ interests and demonstrate the elegance of math in the world around us. New features include: • A new organization placing all transcendental functions early in the book and consolidating the introduction to L'Hôpital's Rule in a single section. • More concisely written explanations in every chapter. • Many new exercises (for a total of 7,000 throughout the book) that require additional rigor not found in the 2nd Edition. • New exploratory exercises in every section that challenge students to synthesize key concepts to solve intriguing projects. • New commentaries (“Beyond Formulas”) that encourage students to think mathematically beyond the procedures they learn. • New counterpoints to the historical notes, “Today in Mathematics,” that stress the contemporary dynamism of mathematical research and applications, connecting past contributions to the present. • An enhanced discussion of differential equations and additional applications of vector calculus.



Student's Solutions Manual to accompany Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions

Robert T Smith, Roland B Minton "Student's Solutions Manual to accompany Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions"
McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math | 2006-03-07 | ISBN: 0072869577 | 512 pages | PDF | 15,4 MB

bgad ana mesh 3aref 2o2lak eh 3'er gazak allah kol 7'er ana emt7ani bokra we ektashft eni ketab eli ana estlamto mesh howa el ketab bet3na ... enta bgad ankztni .. bgad shokran gedan gedan gedan
السلام عليكم..مجهود رائع جداً أخي الكريم وتشكر عليه.

أنني في امس الحاجة لهدا الكتاب واكون شاكراً لك لوتمكنت من توفيره لي.
The Statistical Consultant in Action

Edited by D. J. Hand

B. S. Everitt

(ISBN-13: 9780521307178 | ISBN-10: 0521307171)

  • Published March 1987
مغلق و غير مفتوح للمزيد من الردود.