Microsoft Visual Basic 6 [Portable

Microsoft Visual Basic 6 [Portable
] فيجول بيسك حصرياً بيس للمبرمجين بدون تنصيب شغال برنامج البرمجة المرئية فيجول بيس حصرياً اصدار كامل بدون تنصيب تشغله من يوي اس بي من اي شي تلقاه شغال ولا يحتاج بيانات دخول كله جاهز

[PORTABLE] Microsoft Visual Basic 6
*** No Install. Runs on USB Drive *** Great!!!

Create professional-quality applications, components, and user interfaces faster and
more efficiently than ever with the powerful object-oriented programming capabilities
in the Visual Basic 6.0 development system. From Windows® common controls to data access,
Internet, and ActiveX® programming, this book covers core development topics for version 6.0
providing insightful explanations and expertly rendered examples for rapid acceleration
of your Win32® productivity.

• Expedite development with the object-oriented capabilities
in Visual Basic 6.0 including events, polymorphism, and object hierarchies

• Develop great user interfaces that use the full range of controls in
Visual Basic and take advantage of OLE drag and drop,
data-driven forms, and advanced Windows API techniques

• Build datacentric solutions using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) 2.0 and 2.1,
the DataEnvironment designer, and RDS components for remote
activation over the Internet

• Master ActiveX technology to create controls,
learning advanced techniques such as COM callbacks,
multithreaded components and applications, and windowless ActiveX controls

• Deploy rich, Web-ready components and applications with Dynamic HTML (DHTML)
and Microsoft Internet Information ServerAn electronic version of this book
is available on the companion CD.

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