Hepatitis Delta Virus
Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology

Hepatitis Delta Virus (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology)
Springer | ISBN: 3540298010 | Edition - 2006-06-14 | PDF | 228 pages | 2.64 Mb
Hepatitis delta virus which causes severe acute and chronic liver disease was discovered following the detection of a novel antigen-antibody system in hepatitis B virus carriers. Currently, HDV is classified as a subviral satellite of hepatitis B virus. However, unlike other satellite viruses, the dependence of HDV on HBV is limited solely to the provision of an envelope of hepatitis B surface antigen for virus assembly. Research into the molecular virology of the HDV life cycle has revealed a fascinating collection of biology. These insights are now beginning to be translated into new potential treatment strategies. There are currently still an estimated 15 million HDV carriers worldwide.

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