مقترح بحثي


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حاليا ابحث عن فرصة قبول لدكتوراه و وجدت موضوع مطروح من احد الدكاترة عنوانه

The investigation of the fire risk of clothes contaminated with different skin emollients and paraffin based personal care products
نقاط المقترح
  1. Testing the amount including repeated applications and hence the accumulation of skin care products and the affect and risk of flammability on different clothing types (i.e. some types might not act as wick)
  2. Testing the time of ignition, flame temperature, flame height, heat release rate and types of ignition of different personal care products including different % paraffin based products when soaked in clothing
  3. To assess the effective removal of such products from clothing, after different methods of laundering and if the clothing is still flammable
  4. Collaborate with various organisations and manufacturers and investigating the occurrence of such fires
  5. The possible addition of flame retardants to such products
  6. Analysing the volatiles from the emollients using headspace extraction and GC-MS
قبل اختيار الموضوع صليت صلاة استخارة اريد ان استشيركم

هل اختياري للموضوع جيد؟ حاليا اعمل على كتابة المقترح البحثي و احتاج مساعدة من الذين لهم خبرة في هذا المجال للاستفادة من خبرتهم و احتاج احد يراجع المقترح قبل ارساله الى المشرف اتمنى ان ارى مقترحاتكم في نقاط المقترح لمن لديه خبرة عن هذا الموضوع وشكرا