سلسلة كتب English for Academic Research
Adrian Wallwork 2013-2016
سلسلة هامة موجهة لمساعدة الأكادميين من غير الناطقين بالانجليزية على التواصل والتفاعل ونشر أبحاثهم العلمية في مختلف التخصصات باللغة الانجليزية.
أهم ما يميز السلسة أن معلوماتها مقسمة إلى عدة نقاط مركزة ومباشرة بدون الاسهاب في التفاصيل، مع إعطاء أمثلة ونماذج، مما يجعلها مرجعا ممتازا وسريعا سواءا للباحثين المبتدئين أو ذوي الخبرة.
=== السلسلة مقسمة إلى 9 أجزاء منفصلة كل منها يشكل كتابا مستقلا يتناول موضوعا محددا كالتالي
=== English forWriting Research Papers English forAcademic Correspondence English forInteracting on Campus English forPresentations at International Conferences English for Academic Research:Grammar, Usage and Style English for Academic Research:Grammar Exercises English for Academic Research:Vocabulary Exercises English for Academic Research:Writing Exercises English for Academic Research:A Guide for Teachers
=== كتاب English for Writing Research Papers 2016
This volume focuses on how to write a research paper in English, though the majority of guidelines given would be appropriate for any language. It is designed both for inexperienced and experienced authors
=== الكتاب + الملحق بالمرفقات
من وجهة نظري يعتبر هذا الجزء هو درة هذه السلسة، حيث يتناول أساليب الكتابة و الرد على رسائل البريد الإلكتروني سواء للمشرفين، أو رؤساء تحرير الدوريات العلمية، أوالمراجعين والمحكمين، كذا إعداد الخطط البحثية، وهو مفيد جدا لمن يخططون أو يبحثون عن منح وبعثات علمية للدراسة في الخارج.
This volume covers all the types of email you will need to write in your academic career: emails and letters, both formal and informal, to editors, colleagues, and professors. It also covers how to write and respond to a referee's report, along with some brief suggestions on how to write a research proposal and a research statement
=== الكتاب بالمرفقات
It is intended for non-native English speaking students who are spending some time studying outside their home country. Covers English in academic life, discusses speaking English on campuses around the world, to enable non-native speakers to confidently assimilate to campus life === الكتاب بالمرفقات
كتاب English for Presentations at International Conferences 2016
This volume focuses on preparing and giving presentations. Problems with language (both written and oral) are dealt with extensively, whereas the technical/graphical elements of creating slides are given less space
The book is designed to help both those who have never done presentations before and researchers whose English is already good (or who are native speakers) but who want to improve their presentation skills
=== الكتاب بالمرفقات
English for Presentations at International Conferences.rar
كتاب English for Academic Research Grammar, Usage and Style 2013
This book is aimed at anyone who writes research papers, whose first language is not English, and who needs guidance regarding the grammar, usage, and style of academic English. It should also be useful for those who edit or proofread research papers
It is suitable for those whose level of English is mid intermediate or higher
=== الكتاب بالمرفقات
English for Academic Research_Grammar, Usage and Style.rar
كتاب English for Academic Research Grammar Exercises 2013
This book is aimed at non-native researchers of any discipline who use English to carry out their work. The main emphasis is on writing research papers. The book is designed for self-study or use in a classroom with real-life examples from over 5000 papers written by non-native English speakers
=== الكتاب بالمرفقات
English for Academic Research_Grammar Exercises.rar
كتاب English for Academic Research Vocabulary Exercises 2013
This book contains almost 200 exercises -with examples from around 5000 real-life papers- designed to practice the non-technical vocabulary you will need when writing a research manuscript in English. It is assumed that you have already reached a sufficient level of English to read and understand a research paper in your particular field
=== الكتاب بالمرفقات
English for Academic Research_Vocabulary Exercises.rar
كتاب English for Academic Research Writing Exercises 2013
The book is aimed at postgraduate students, PhD students and researchers whose first language is not English. It is assumed that you have already reached a sufficient level of English to write a research paper, thesis or dissertation. The book covers all the writing skills that will help you to get a positive reaction from the reviewers of your manuscript, and thus improve your chances of publication
=== الكتاب بالمرفقات
English for Academic Research_Writing Exercises.rar
كتاب English for Academic Research A Guide for Teachers 2016
هذا الجزء خاص بالمعلمين المحترفين -من الناطقين بالإنجليزية كلغة أم، أو ذوي المستوى المتقدم- والذين سيقومون بتدريس هذه السلسة للطلبة من الباحثين وطلاب الدراسات العليا، لذا هذا الجزء يمكن التغاضي عنه ما لم تكن بالطبع مدرسا محترفا.
=== الكتاب بالمرفقات === بالتوفيق إن شاء الله
English for Academic Research_A Guide for Teachers.part1.rar
2 MB
· المشاهدات: 83
English for Academic Research_A Guide for Teachers.part2.rar
كتاب English for Academic Research A Guide for Teachers 2016
هذا الجزء خاص بالمعلمين المحترفين -من الناطقين بالإنجليزية كلغة أم، أو ذوي المستوى المتقدم- والذين سيقومون بتدريس هذه السلسة للطلبة من الباحثين وطلاب الدراسات العليا، لذا هذا الجزء يمكن التغاضي عنه ما لم تكن بالطبع مدرسا محترفا.
=== الكتاب بالمرفقات === بالتوفيق إن شاء الله