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اخي العزيز gali للاسف لم افهم قصدك ... لان قائمة الكتب موجودة امامك

السلام عليكم
أرجو منكم مدي بالكتاب التالي
Quantum Mechanics (2 volume set)
By: Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Bernard Diu, Frank Laloe
ISBN: 0471569526
ISBN-13: 9780471569527
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience - 2006-10-06
Paperback | 1524 Pages

Volume 1


This didactically unrivalled textbook and timeless reference by Nobel Prize Laureate Claude Cohen-Tannoudji separates essential underlying principles of quantum mechanics from specific applications and practical examples and deals with each of them in a different section. Chapters emphasize principles; complementary sections supply applications. The book provides a qualitative introduction to quantum mechanical ideas; a systematic, complete and elaborate presentation of all the mathematical tools and postulates needed, including a discussion of their physical content and applications.
The book is recommended on a regular basis by lecturers of undergraduate courses.


Waves and Particles.

Introduction to the Fundamental Concepts of Quantum Mechanics.

The Mathematical Tools of Quantum Mechanics.

The Postulates of Quantum Mechanics.

Application of the Postulates to Simple Cases: Two Level Systems and Spin 1/2 Systems.

The One Dimensional Harmonic Oscillator.

General Properties of Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics.

Particles in a Central Potential.

The Hydrogen Atom.

Volume 2


Beginning students of quantum mechanics frequently have difficulty separating essential underlying principles from the specific examples to which these principles have historically been applied. This book is especially designed to eliminate that difficulty. Fourteen chapters, augmented by 14 "complementary sections," provide a clarity of organization, careful attention to pedagogical details, and a [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]wealth
http://gigapedia.org/items/13400/quantum-mechanics--2-vol--set-# of topics and examples that allow physics professors to tailor courses to meet students’ specific needs. Each chapter starts with a clear exposition of the problem to be treated and then logically develops the physical and mathematical concept. These chapters emphasize the underlying principles of the material, undiluted by extensive references to applications and practical examples. (Such applications and practical examples are contained in the complementary sections.) The book begins with a qualitative introduction to quantum mechanical ideas using simple optical analogies and continues with a systematic presentation of the mathematical tools and postulates of quantum mechanics as well as a discussion of their physical content. Applications follow, starting with the simplest ones (two-level systems, the harmonic oscillator, etc.), and becoming gradually more complicated (the hydrogen atom, approximation methods, etc.). The complementary sections each expand this basic knowledge, supplying a wide range of applications and related topics which make use of the essential skills. Here the authors include carefully written, detailed expositions of a large number of special problems and more advanced topics—integrated as an essential portion of the text. These topics, however, are not interdependent; this allows professors to direct their quantum mechanics courses toward both physics and [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]chemistry[/COLOR][/COLOR] students.[/COLOR][/COLOR]

About the author
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, born in Constantine (Algeria) in 1933, studied at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris, where he received a postdoctoral lecture qualification in 1962. In 1973 he was accepted at the Collège de France, and in 1981 became a member of the Academy of [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Sciences[/COLOR][/COLOR]. In 1997, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his research on [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]laser[/COLOR][/COLOR] cooling of neutral atoms (together with Steven Chu and William D. Phillips). The method is relevant for the development of precise atomic clocks, which are used for positioning and navigation. His is currently affiliated to the Laboratoire de Physique at the École Normale Supérieure.
His textbook on quantum mechanics, written together with Bernard Diu und Franck Laloë, is one of the best-known timeless standard references in this field and is recommended on a regular basis by lecturers of undergraduate courses

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جزاك الله خيرا أخي الكريم

اخي الغالي شكراً جزيلاً واود الاستفسار هناك مجموعة كبيرة من كتب فيزياء البلازما في الموقع اعلاه
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أخي العزيز الابراهيمي
لك جزيل الشكر والامتنان على المجموعة الكبيرة والنافعة للكتب التي رفعتها على المنتدى. كنت أبحث على الكتاب التالي وأطلب منك المساعدة في الحصول عليه برفع رابط له ولك خالص التقدير والاحترام:
Introduction to Semiconductor Materials and Devices
by M.S. Tyagi

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