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البرنامج الخاص بتحليل ودراسة التربة
Oasys Pdisp

Pdisp is for engineers who need software for soil displacement analysis, soil settlement calculations and soil displacement design. Pdisp offers a quicker and more accurate way to predict soil displacement than using Newmark charts. The program predicts displacements in a soil mass due to vertical and horizontal loads, showing the likely settlement pattern beneath and beyond the loaded area
Loaded areas can be superimposed and can be specified to act at different levels
Loads can be normal and tangential as well, and can act on both horizontal and vertical planes
A number of horizontal soil layers may be specified; the base of the bottom layer is assumed to be rigid
A linear variation of modulus with level may be specified for each soil layer
Displacements and stresses may be specified for any soil layer
Analysis based on the equations of either Boussinesq or Mindlin
البرنامج متوافق مع نظام Windows 64 bit فقط
48.3 MB حجم البرنامج
روابط التحميل
[hide]البرنامج الخاص بتحليل ودراسة التربة
Oasys Pdisp

Pdisp is for engineers who need software for soil displacement analysis, soil settlement calculations and soil displacement design. Pdisp offers a quicker and more accurate way to predict soil displacement than using Newmark charts. The program predicts displacements in a soil mass due to vertical and horizontal loads, showing the likely settlement pattern beneath and beyond the loaded area
Loaded areas can be superimposed and can be specified to act at different levels
Loads can be normal and tangential as well, and can act on both horizontal and vertical planes
A number of horizontal soil layers may be specified; the base of the bottom layer is assumed to be rigid
A linear variation of modulus with level may be specified for each soil layer
Displacements and stresses may be specified for any soil layer
Analysis based on the equations of either Boussinesq or Mindlin
البرنامج متوافق مع نظام Windows 64 bit فقط
48.3 MB حجم البرنامج
روابط التحميل
بالتوفيق إن شاء الله