The Quinolones 3ed Edn
By Vincent T. Andriole

Publisher: Academic Press
Number Of Pages: 517
Publication Date: 2000-09
Sales Rank: 1234929
ISBN / ASIN: 0120595176
EAN: 9780120595174
Book Description:
Quinolones constitute a large class of synthetic antimicrobial agents that are highly effective in the treatment of many types of infectious diseases, particularly those caused by bacteria. New quinolones are continually being developed as bacterial species develop resistance to existing quinolones. This book presents the most current information available in our continual struggle to conquer disease.
Over time, bacteria become resistant to medicines that are used to combat them. Because of this, the medical world is always in search of new and improved ways to battle these disease-causing bacteria. Quinolones are at the forefront of this research.
Edited by one of the world's foremost authorities on the subject, the third edition of this highly successful title will serve as a valuable tool for primary care physicians and researchers interested in a comprehensive, up-to-date reference on the chemistry, mechanisms of action, development of resistance, and clinical efficacy of both currently available and newer quinolone compounds under investigation. This is the eagerly anticipated fully revised edition of the standard reference in the field.
Key Features
* Eagerly anticipated updated edition of noted title covering synthetic microbial agents that are useful against infectious disease, particularly those caused by bacteria
* Edited by one of the foremost experts in the field of quinolone research and infectious disease
* History of quinolones, chemistry & mechanisms of action, pharmacology, safety aspects
* Role of quinolones in treating various types of infections, including respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, urinary tract infections, prostatitis, STDs and bacterial meningitis as well as their use in immunocompromised patients

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