Mosby Clinical Examination, 2nd ed

By Owen Epstein, John Cookson, G. David Perkin, David P. De Bono,
Publisher: Mosby
Number Of Pages: 436
Publication Date: 2003-06-03
ISBN / ASIN: 0723432295
EAN: 9780723432296
Book Description:
The third edition of CLINICAL EXAMINATION provides a clear, practical and above all, superbly illustrated guide to all aspects of history taking and patient examination. Designed to be accessible both to medical students just starting their clinical attachments and to more experienced readers, the clear writing style, the innovative use of clinical photographs and the explanatory artworks combine to explain and clarify the concepts and skills necessary to take a history and perform an examination. The text is organised by body system, with each chapter structured the same way: firstly, underlying structure and function; secondly, signs, symptoms and abnormalities; thirdly, patient examination.

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