What is XTerm Medical Dictionary?
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This medical dictionary is a private project that endeavors to offer high quality and free of any charge medical information to whose individuals involved in learning and practicing human medicine.
XTerm Medical Dictionary has a filter-based service that presents a catalogue of descriptions of carefully selected health and medical Internet resources.
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XTerm Medical Dictionary provides links to Internet resources. We do not guarantee that the information found in an Internet resource found using XTerm Medical Dictionary' site is always accurate and complete. This is because we have no control over these resources and their contents. Therefore neither XTerm Medical Dictionary or any of it's contributors are responsible for any loss, damage or expense that might be caused by any action, or lack of action, that a user of this service might take as a result of reading material on a site found using XTerm Medical Dictionary. Responsibility for such actions, or lack of actions, remains with the reader concerned.
Likewise, while XTerm Medical Dictionary endeavors to provide accurate information on all the XTerm Medical Dictionary website pages, we do not guarantee that these pages will not contain any errors, incomplete or out-of-date information. Therefore, neither XTerm Medical Dictionary or any of it's contributors are responsible for any loss, damage or expense that might be caused by any action, or lack of action, that a user of this service might take as a result of reading material on any of the XTerm Medical Dictionary web pages. Responsibility for such actions, or lack of actions, remains with the reader concerned
Book Description:
The 27th edition of Stedman's Medical Dictionary reflects the thorough revision and critical review by 44 medical consultants as well as by a team of skilled editors and expert lexicographers. Readers will note extensive updating in all specialties, but especially in the terminology of genetics, oncology, pediatrics, pulmonology, emergency medicine, bacteriology, and laboratory medicine. Additionally, in accordance with the nomenclature approved by the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists, gross anatomy and neuroanatomy terminology now reflects the Terminologia Anatomica (TA), while still retaining the Nomina Anatomica Latin terms for histology and embryology. Anatomical definitions are found where readers are most likely to look -- at the English translations of the Latin terms. The 27th also includes veterinary medicine terms, now focused solely on terminology relevant to human medicine. Stedman's 27th contains more than 1,050 images, many of them in color and new to the Stedman's Dictionary, which expand and clarify the meanings of terms. Every image was reviewed by specialty consultants for clarity, scientific accuracy, and currency. Numerous tables present complicated information in schematic format to facilitate learning. There are also 64 pages of full-color anatomy and diagnostic medicine images, as well as a 32-page quick-reference anatomical atlas showcasing art from "adam.com(TM)." A complete index containing the names of each structure accompanies these richly labeled illustrations.Brand new to the 27th edition, the "Genus Finder" speeds the search for definitions of genus species names by spelling out the genus abbreviations under the species names. Along with the new features in the 27th, readers will continue to benefit from features found in the previous edition, including, "High Profile Terms," 131 concepts that so profoundly affect the practice of medicine that they warrant more than the standard dictionary definition: "Word Finder," a long list of multiple-term entries in the front of the book to speed readers to the definition they seek; Cross-References, printed in blue, to point readers quickly to the preferred term where the definition appears; "Combining Forms," highlighted to help readers build their medical vocabulary; "Precision Thumb Tabs," which appear at the edge of every page, constantly orienting the reader in the book and speeding the search. Readers will find Stedman's 27th more accessible, informative, and comprehensive, the perfect guide for those who wish to speak and write about health care more precisely.
pass: tFODOMEQ.ra

Unified Medical Dictionary: English, Arabic, French
6 parts
Iso format
Size: 532 MB

Dorland's Electronic Medical Dictionary: 29th Edition
- Publisher: W.B. Saunders Company
- Number Of Pages: 1974
- Publication Date: 2000-09
- Sales Rank: 1359488
- ISBN / ASIN: 0721694934
- EAN: 9780721694931
- Binding: Hardcover
- Manufacturer: W.B. Saunders Company
- Studio: W.B. Saunders Company
- Average Rating: 3.5
- Total Reviews: 3
International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis, 3 Volume Set

Product Details
»Book Publisher: MacMillan Reference Books (29 July, 2005)
»ISBN: 0028659244
»Book author: Alain De Mijolla, A. De Mijolla
»Amazon Rating
pass: INDIOP1.rartF Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition with CD-ROM and Online Subscription

Product Details
»Book Publisher: Merriam-Webster (July, 2003)
»ISBN: 0877798095
»Book author: Merriam-Webster
»Amazon Rating: 4.5
Book Description:
The new Eleventh Edition of America’s best-selling dictionary merges print, CD-ROM, and Internet-based formats to deliver unprecedented accessibility and flexibility at one affordable price. Fully revised print content features more than 225,000 clear and precise definitions and more than 10,000 words and meanings. Includes easily installable CD-ROM and free one-year subscription to new Collegiate Web site
http://rapidshare.de/files/20455987/...part1.rar.htmlntroduction to Medical Terminology

Product Details
»Book Publisher: Thomson Delmar Learning (30 December, 2002)
»ISBN: 140181137X
»Book author: Ann Ehrlich, Carol L Schroeder
»Amazon Rating:
Book Description:
Introduction to Medical Terminology emphasizes learning medical terminology by word part and usage and is organized by body systems. The practice software includes exercises, games and pronunciation of medical terminology. A workbook offers a wide-variety of learning exercises from matching and multiple choice to spelling and abbreviations to true/false and word building.
Dictionary for Clinical Trials

Product Details
»Book Publisher: Horizon Pubs & Distributors Inc (August, 1999)
»ISBN: 0471986119
»Book author: Simon Day
»Amazon Rating: 3.0
Book Description:
Clinical trials refer to any form of planned experiment involving patients, designed to elucidate the most appropriate treatment for future patients with a given medical condition. A comprehensive one-volume guide to clinical trial terminology, this book presents explanations and definitions normally found in clinical trial protocols, reports, regulatory guidelines, and published manuscripts, in language free from jargon.
Elsevier's Medical Terminology for the Practicing Nurse: In English (with definitions)

pass: Lekar
pass: Lekar
Scitech Book News
Readers will be encouraged to embrace medical terminology as a career-long discipline.
Book Description
Medical nomenclature is continually evolving and changing. Its objective is to achieve full scientific interaction among all those who share this discipline. In the course of their work, professional nurses are required to comprehend and interpret medical terminology. This dictionary presents a correlation of medical and nursing terms as reflected in medical practice and nursing arts. Also included, is a survey of little-used and/or newer terminology which more articulately documents clinical findings. Readers of this dictionary will be encouraged to embrace medical terminology as a career-long discipline with a purpose.
Product Details
* Hardcover: 468 pages
* Publisher: Elsevier (January 1, 1998)
* Language: English
* ISBN: 0444824707
* Format: PDF
* Size: 32.8 MB
* Price: $164.95المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة MMS

Book Description:
The 27th edition of Stedman's Medical Dictionary reflects the thorough revision and critical review by 44 medical consultants as well as by a team of skilled editors and expert lexicographers. Readers will note extensive updating in all specialties, but especially in the terminology of genetics, oncology, pediatrics, pulmonology, emergency medicine, bacteriology, and laboratory medicine. Additionally, in accordance with the nomenclature approved by the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists, gross anatomy and neuroanatomy terminology now reflects the Terminologia Anatomica (TA), while still retaining the Nomina Anatomica Latin terms for histology and embryology. Anatomical definitions are found where readers are most likely to look -- at the English translations of the Latin terms. The 27th also includes veterinary medicine terms, now focused solely on terminology relevant to human medicine. Stedman's 27th contains more than 1,050 images, many of them in color and new to the Stedman's Dictionary, which expand and clarify the meanings of terms. Every image was reviewed by specialty consultants for clarity, scientific accuracy, and currency. Numerous tables present complicated information in schematic format to facilitate learning. There are also 64 pages of full-color anatomy and diagnostic medicine images, as well as a 32-page quick-reference anatomical atlas showcasing art from "adam.com(TM)." A complete index containing the names of each structure accompanies these richly labeled illustrations.Brand new to the 27th edition, the "Genus Finder" speeds the search for definitions of genus species names by spelling out the genus abbreviations under the species names. Along with the new features in the 27th, readers will continue to benefit from features found in the previous edition, including, "High Profile Terms," 131 concepts that so profoundly affect the practice of medicine that they warrant more than the standard dictionary definition: "Word Finder," a long list of multiple-term entries in the front of the book to speed readers to the definition they seek; Cross-References, printed in blue, to point readers quickly to the preferred term where the definition appears; "Combining Forms," highlighted to help readers build their medical vocabulary; "Precision Thumb Tabs," which appear at the edge of every page, constantly orienting the reader in the book and speeding the search. Readers will find Stedman's 27th more accessible, informative, and comprehensive, the perfect guide for those who wish to speak and write about health care more precisely.