هذا الكتاب هدية للأخ عصام زايد
Comprehensive Organic Transformations - Richard Larock

Product Details:
Hardcover: 2640 pages
Publisher: Wiley-VCH; 2 Sub edition (November 3, 1999)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0471190314
Price: $202.10
Format : (((( DJVU )))) 18.8 mb
Editorial Reviews:
"…this book is a wealth of synthetic chemical information." (Pharmaceutical Development & Technology, February 2005)
"...makes available at one's fingertips a wealth of information concerning a broad range of reaction types." (Angewandte Chemie)
"This edition covers 39 new journals and numerous additional reviews and books from 1988-95." (SciTech Book News, March 2001)
"...an indispensable reference work for designing and carrying out modern organic chemical synthesis...It is amazing that so much information is contained in a single volume that is arranged in a logical and easy to use fashion." (Analytical Biochemistry, Vol. 294, 2001)
"...the book is undoubtedly still of great value and every chemist working in the area of synthesis should have it within reach in the laboratory." (Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 3rd November 2000)
"...an outstanding work of reference...and will be an essential purchase for all synthetic organic chemists in academe and industry." (Natural Products Reports, Vol 17, 2000)
"This new edition is an invaluable resource.... This reference is a 'must have' addition to the library of any practicing synthetic chemist in the pharmaceutical sciences." (Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 18, No. 9, September 2001)
Inside This Book :
Key Phrases - Statistically Improbable Phrases (SIPs): (learn more)
forms silyl ether, cat bis, ketone diastereoselectivity, cat hydroquinone, serial cyclization, double bond transposition, cat chiral, chiral lactam, enol silane, cat vitamin, vinyl ketene, borohydride exchange resin, lactam formation, aryl ketones, chiral catalysis, vinylic halides, dialkyl tartrate, chiral diamine, aryl aldehydes, organic synthesis, chiral base, organocopper reagents, porcine pancreatic lipase, allylic bromides, allylic alcohols
-I want to help others sort through the conflicting reviews of this book. As a PhD chemist, I can say unequivocally that this book is not for the non-professional, as I suspect the negative reviewers are. The indexing system is not intuitive, but makes sense once you've begun to use it. One of the reviewers complains that database searching is better than this book. This book is intended to help you find straightforward procedures for relatively straightforward reactions and allows you to look at the many things that have been tried to effect a given transformation. These are things that the databases can't help much with since these reactions have been done in the literature thousands of times, and any search will generate a huge mess of matches.
-This book provides an excellent starting point for a literature search on a particular reaction. Unlike an electronic database, the references provided are generally just the most useful ones.

حجم الملف المضغوط 18.6 ميجا
رابط الكتاب بالمرفقات
باسورد الملف :

*•~-.¸¸,.-~*أنا الأرض*•~-.¸¸,.-~*
أنا الأرض والأرض أنا
وآهات الظلم قد ردها الصدى
لمن أشكو الجراح وعذابات الأسى ؟
ماتت ضمائر الحكام في قمة الشعارات والعزا
هناك دفنت قضية الحق ومدت يد السلام للعدا
لتصافح من سفك دماء الأطفال في قانا وانثنا
لمن دنس القرآن واغتال الفرحة في أعين الهنا
لمن هود القدس واقتلع الأشجار وزرع الردى
واستبدل فرسان الكرامة بعرسان الدمى
يطلبون الود من خبيث حاقد لئيم الدنى
يظنون الذئب يريد السلام ويطلب الهدى !
ونسوا أن الخراف لايحميها الثغاء من الأذى
ألا سحقا لعبيد المذلة ومعاهدات ال "إذا"
لا يطلب الحق إلا بالسلاح ودماء الفدا
وساحات البطولة لها فرسان الله أضداد العدا