أبو القاسم
مستشار كلية الطب

Product Details
# Hardcover: 138 pages
# Publisher: Springer; 2 edition (2007)
# Language: English
# ISBN-10: 038733842X
# ISBN-13: 978-038733842
# Format: PDF
# Size: 13.3 MB
# Price: $126.65
Book Description
This atlas is designed to aid in the careful and thorough gross examination of the placenta by providing an illustrated manual of examination that includes normal variations, abnormal findings, as well as unusual pathology. With 186 illustrations, 154 in color, this atlas contains a wealth of important information for pathologists examining the placenta. The book is highly recommended for all those engaged in pathologic examination of the placenta. The text is concise, and the book provides a rapid reference for pathologists.