البرنامج : Potplayer
إصــــدار : v1.6.59347 Final

وظيفة البرنامج : مشغل للوسائط المتعددة
حجـم البرنامج : 16.61 MB 17.97 _ MB
ترخيص : مجاني

نبذة عن البرنامج :
برنامج Potplayer هو مشغل فيديو وصوت شامل ويدعم أيضاً القنوات التليفزيونية والترجمات والإشكال الفنية للمظهر الخارجى للبرنامج .
برنامج Potplayer هو نسخة محسنة وأسرع لبرنامج KMP يتضمن ffdshow وبعض الأشياء الأخرى للإتصال بالشبكة الكورية للفيديو والدردشة .
وهو يدعم التشغيل السلس لما يقرب من 1000 ملف AVI/WMV/MKV/MPG دفعة واحدة ويسمح بالمزج بينهم .
كما يدعم الإستئناف التلقائى لآخر 200 ملف تم فتحه ، ويتعامل بشكل كامل مع ملفات XML للأشكال الفنية والمظهر الخارجى للبرنامج وأيضاً النظام الحصرى D3D.
PotPlayer is a comprehensive freeware video and audio player, that also supports
TV channels, subtitles and skins. Done by the same Korean author as The KMPlayer.
It works w/ madVR/HR/EVR and Reclock of course?it?s a much improved/faster
version of KMPlayer, including ffdshow and some other stuff to connect to
a Korean-only video/chat network. Plenty of features and rich customization.
Supports almost every available video formats out there.
Daum PotPlayer contains internal codecs and there is no need to install codecs
manually. It supports seamless playback (up to 1000 -one thousand- AVI/WMV
/MKV/MPG files at once, mixed containers are allowed), auto-resume on
the last 200 opened files, has fully configurable XML skin files and also a D3D
exclusive mode. Other key features include WebCam/Analog/Digital TV devices
support, gapless video Playback, DXVA, live broadcasting.
Changes in 1.6.59347:
* Fixed a security problem (remediation of damaged file vulnerability)
+ Added touch feature for default skin
+ Added the ability to scale image caption
+ Added vertical options on left side of navigator UI
- Fixed an issue that playlist items can't be sorted by folder
- Fixed an issue that can't parse YouTube playlist
- Fixed an issue that can't play HLS VOD streams
- Fixed an issue that autoplay didn't work in Windows 10
- Fixed sync issue of built-in DirectSound Audio Renderer
- Fixed an issue that can't navigate in playlists from certain FTP servers
- Fixed an issue while capturing broadcasting video under certain conditions
- Fixed an issue that can't play next one with read-only MP3 files
- Fixed an issue that snapped to edge/window in Windows 10 or newer
- Improved ability to handle character set automatically while opening text
- Fixed an issue that caused an error at the end of playback under certain conditions
- Fixed flickering problem of certain animated ASS/SSA subtitles
التعديل الأخير: