برنامج Kingsoft Office Suite Professional 2013 - تحميل Kingsoft Office Suite Professional 2013 - تنزيل Kingsoft Office Suite Professional 2013 - داون لود Kingsoft Office Suite Professional 2013 - Dwonload - آخر إصدار Kingsoft Office Suite Professional - جديد Kingsoft Office Suite Professional -Kingsoft Office Suite Professional 2015 -Kingsoft Office Suite Professional 2014 -
البرنامج : Kingsoft Office Suite Professional 2013
إصــــدار : V9.1.0.4524
وظيفة البرنامج : معالجة ملفات الأوفيس
حجـم البرنامج : 64.33 MB
ترخيص : غير مجاني 69.95$
{مفتاح التفعيل مرفق مع الملف}
نبذة عن البرنامج :
- New: Save files as .xlsx format.
Office 2013
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Solidfiles Download Link
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البرنامج : Kingsoft Office Suite Professional 2013
إصــــدار : V9.1.0.4524

وظيفة البرنامج : معالجة ملفات الأوفيس
حجـم البرنامج : 64.33 MB
ترخيص : غير مجاني 69.95$
{مفتاح التفعيل مرفق مع الملف}

نبذة عن البرنامج :
Kingsoft Office Suite Professional يعد مجموعة انتاجية كاملة للأوفيس
Kingsoft Office Professional مجموعة برمجيات حيث يحتوى على Kingsoft Writer و Kingsoft Spreadsheets و Kingsoft Presentation
فمن السهل جدا لنشر وتوزيع Kingsoft Office على أجهزة كمبيوتر العميل في مؤسستك أو تنظيمها.
Kingsoft Office Professional احد حلول البرمجيات الكاملة والسهلة والقوية لانشاء وتعديل وعرض مختلف أنواع المستندات والوثائق
Kingsoft Office Professional متوافق تماما مع MS Office 2003/2007/2010/2013 لتسهيل العمل الخاص بك وأكثر من ذلك
لماذا تختار Kingsoft Office Professional ؟
مع Kingsoft Office يمكنك فتح ، حفظ وإنشاء مستندات Office دون اختلاف في النمط و التصميم.
What’s new in Professional Office Suite 2013As an office suite of desktop applications, Kingsoft Office consists of a word processor—Writer, a spreadsheet program—Spreadsheets and a presentation program—Presentation. Compared with other office suites, Kingsoft Office is regarded as one of the best office applications with user-friendly interfaces and excellent performances.
In addition to innovative features in the last version such as a built-in PDF creator, the latest version has added various new features, allowing you to switch between the 2013 and classical interfaces, adjust your paragraph formatting and table dimensions with drag and drop, save files as more formats (such as .xlsx and .xlsm) and insert a movie or background sound into a PPT slide. Kingsoft Office Suite Professional 2013 will not only enables you to fulfill data analyzing needs in business, but to turn your innovative ideas into illustrative documents or presentations.
- New: Save files as .xlsx format.
- New: Two interfaces: 2013 and classical ones. Two color schemes for 2013 interface: elegant black and water blue.
- New: Add line numbers in the margin of your Writer documents.
- New: Include 37 new functions in Spreadsheets including statistical and financial ones.
- New: Support multiple criteria in filter to quickly locate the needed data.
- New: Expand the row and column number in Spreadsheets, supporting 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns
- New: Package your PPT files into folders or compressed files.
- New: Display embedded fonts, even without the installation of TrueType font on your computer.
- New: Select a cell with a hyperlink in it by clicking the blank space of the cell.
- New: Support the ability to replace font face
Office 2013
[+] Add UK English spell checker.
[+] Switch spell checker languages within each office program.
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تحميل البرنامج:

البرنامج مع السريال :
Solidfiles Download Link
البرنامج بنسخة تجريبية برابط مباشر :
Direct Download Link
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