Histology Color Atlas of Cytology, Histology and Microscopic Anatomy


مشرف سابق
Title: Color Atlas of Cytology, Histology and Microscopic Anatomy (Thieme Flexibook)
Author: Wolfgang Kuhnel
Publisher: Thieme Medical Publishers
Publication Date: 2003-07
Number Of Pages: 543
Average Amazon Rating: 5.0

This timeless pocket atlas is the ideal visual companion to histology and cytology textbooks. First published in 1950 and translated into eight languages, Kuehnel's Pocket Atlas of Cytology, Histology and Microscopic Anatomy is a proven classic. The fully revised and updated fourth edition contains 745 full-color illustrations - almost 200 more than were included in the third edition. Superb, high-quality microphotographs and pathologic stains are accompanied by legends, informative texts ...read whole description



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