مجموعة كتب للمهندسيين Engineering Books 5

The Science and Engineering of Materials

The Science and Engineering of Materials
作者: sinapdb 发布日期: 2007-2-09 查看数: 294 出自: http://emuch.net
The Science and Engineering of Materials

Book Description
Designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of materials science and introduce them to materials behavior, Askeland provides a foundation for further study in all areas of engineering. Askeland now includes a new design component, in the form of design oriented examples and problems. Askeland has also enhanced his thorough coverage of classical metals topics with much stronger coverage on non-metallic materials, including polymers, ceramics, composites, and electronic materials.

Book Info
Continues the general theme of the earlier editions in providing an understanding of the relationship between structure, processing, and properties of materials. DLC: Materials.

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86 Mb photocopy of this nice introductory materials text.
