Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics
Book Properties
ISBN: 0443071373
Title: Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics
Author: Roger Walker C.R.W. Edwards
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Publication Date: 2002-12-27
Number Of Pages: 928
Average Amazon Rating

Book Properties
ISBN: 0443071373
Title: Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics
Author: Roger Walker C.R.W. Edwards
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Publication Date: 2002-12-27
Number Of Pages: 928
Average Amazon Rating
"...a unique and valuable support for all those involved or interested in drug therapy.
This is a textbook that no university or pharmacy department, particularly those with employess studying at any level, and no pharmacist trying to develop their knowledge base should be without." Dr Chris Green and John Sexton, The Pharmaceutical Journal, July 2003
any pharmacy or medical student, this text is incredible. It's got a wealth of material, is easy to use and understand (without being simplistic), and does an excellent job of integrating the principles of clinical pharmacy and pharmacology. This is one textbook I would strongly recommend for pharmacy undergrads, medical students and anyone looking for a book to provide a solid foundation to their study of applied clinical pharmacology." 2nd Year Pharmacy Student, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, April 2004
Book Description
The new edition of this popular, well-established textbook addresses the expanding role of the pharmacist in treating patients. It covers treatment of common diseases as well as other medical, therapeutic and patient related issues. Written by both pharmacists and clinicians to reflect a team approach, it offers an in-depth analysis of drug therapy in the treatment of disease, relying on input from the pharmacist as a member of the "team" in hospital and community settings. Information is easy to locate in a logical format organized primarily by systems and disorders.
this link contain about 50 pages but it was big file size
الشكر لله العليم
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This is a textbook that no university or pharmacy department, particularly those with employess studying at any level, and no pharmacist trying to develop their knowledge base should be without." Dr Chris Green and John Sexton, The Pharmaceutical Journal, July 2003
any pharmacy or medical student, this text is incredible. It's got a wealth of material, is easy to use and understand (without being simplistic), and does an excellent job of integrating the principles of clinical pharmacy and pharmacology. This is one textbook I would strongly recommend for pharmacy undergrads, medical students and anyone looking for a book to provide a solid foundation to their study of applied clinical pharmacology." 2nd Year Pharmacy Student, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, April 2004
Book Description
The new edition of this popular, well-established textbook addresses the expanding role of the pharmacist in treating patients. It covers treatment of common diseases as well as other medical, therapeutic and patient related issues. Written by both pharmacists and clinicians to reflect a team approach, it offers an in-depth analysis of drug therapy in the treatment of disease, relying on input from the pharmacist as a member of the "team" in hospital and community settings. Information is easy to locate in a logical format organized primarily by systems and disorders.
this link contain about 50 pages but it was big file size
الشكر لله العليم
what type of software compress the scanned pages without loss of quality