Clinical Examination
لكتاب مساحته23 ميجا عباره عن ملفات بصيغة pdb كل ملف شرح كامل ازاى
تعمل history و Clinical Examination
لمختلف الحالات المرضية
Book Properties
ISBN: 0729537625
Title: Clinical Examination
Author: Nicholas J. Talley Simon O'Connor
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Publication Date: 2005-12-01
Number Of Pages: 520
Average Amazon Rating: 4.5
The new 5th edition of Clinical Examination continues to serve all medical students with a clear and understandable explanation of clinical examination. Set out logically and systematically, this best-selling textbook has comprehensive coverage of essential skills necessary for history taking and examining the patient. Highly regarded by students world-wide, this text continues to grow in strength. Clinical Examination, 5th edition has been revised and updated to include: more evidence-based medicine; new full-color artwork; and a fresh new look allowing greater accessibility for readers. The new edition covers clinical examination and concepts in a systems approach in a clear, consistent and user-friendly approach. Readers using this edition of Clinical Examination will have access to Here you will receive full online access to the text and numerous interactive extras such as video clips demonstrating some of the more difficult examinations & MCQs. Written by two internationally renowned authors, Clinical Examination, 5th edition will continue to provide students with a superb reference for performing clinical methods.
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لكتاب مساحته23 ميجا عباره عن ملفات بصيغة pdb كل ملف شرح كامل ازاى
تعمل history و Clinical Examination
لمختلف الحالات المرضية

Book Properties
ISBN: 0729537625
Title: Clinical Examination
Author: Nicholas J. Talley Simon O'Connor
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Publication Date: 2005-12-01
Number Of Pages: 520
Average Amazon Rating: 4.5
The new 5th edition of Clinical Examination continues to serve all medical students with a clear and understandable explanation of clinical examination. Set out logically and systematically, this best-selling textbook has comprehensive coverage of essential skills necessary for history taking and examining the patient. Highly regarded by students world-wide, this text continues to grow in strength. Clinical Examination, 5th edition has been revised and updated to include: more evidence-based medicine; new full-color artwork; and a fresh new look allowing greater accessibility for readers. The new edition covers clinical examination and concepts in a systems approach in a clear, consistent and user-friendly approach. Readers using this edition of Clinical Examination will have access to Here you will receive full online access to the text and numerous interactive extras such as video clips demonstrating some of the more difficult examinations & MCQs. Written by two internationally renowned authors, Clinical Examination, 5th edition will continue to provide students with a superb reference for performing clinical methods.
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