BoneLab 2.3.36

الموضوع في 'الفيديوهات والبرامج الطبية' بواسطة المهاجر, بتاريخ ‏يوليو 15, 2012.

  1. المهاجر

    المهاجر * ضيف شرف * إداري

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏يناير 18, 2006
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:
    مهندس سابقا
    مكان الإقامة:
    أرض الله الواسعة

    BoneLab 2.3.36​
    BoneLab 2.3.36 | 17.3 Mb
    BoneLab 2 is the successor of BoneLab, the most successful learning software product for the Anatomy of the Skeleton. Visual 3D-view management, a user specific dictionary and instant access to further online information sources, make BoneLab 2 a most efficient aid for learning, studying and reference. Like all our anatomical products, BoneLab 2 offers outstanding features for visual dissection, previewing, adding labels and notes to sectional 3D-views. BoneLab 2 uses our high quality standard skeleton.​
    BoneLab 2 is easy to use
    The powerful visual user interface is unique and shows all 3D views in small preview tiles for quick access. You can create your own sectional 3D-views and add it to a build-in collection of 130 labeled 3D-views. Colorize your views, add labels and notes and save views for later reference.​
    BoneLab 2 becomes a personal aid for learning and reference​
    BoneLab 2 becomes a personal aid for learning and reference While adding labels and notes in your language to 3D-views, a dictionary is automatically maintained and helps you to quickly find related views and memorize the anatomical terms. Organize your views in the views tree.​
    Access Online information
    Hyperlinks for all structures provide instant online access to related anatomical and medical information. Click a structure to highlight and display related online info, images and clips in the integrated browser window.​
    * View-centric user interface and manipulating and saving of sectional 3D views​
    * Auto-colorization and auto-focusing depending on interactive dissection​
    * Auto-hiding pointer labels​
    * Growing, personal dictionary for anatomical terms​
    * Online bindings use information on the web as resource​
    · A skeletal model with 275 parts of bones, teeth, disks and costal cartilage is integrated.​
    · Optiocal colorization for instant visual identification.​
    · All parts are stored with correct Latin and English names.​
    · The integrated online browser provides instant Wikipedia lookup for anatomical terms.​
    · BoneLab comes with more than 60 annotated example views.​
    · Create your own views, add labels and comments for presentation, sharing with colleagues, students and peers.​
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  2. ابو ابراهيم

    ابو ابراهيم مشرف كليه الطب إداري

    إنضم إلينا في:
    ‏مارس 28, 2007
    الإعجابات المتلقاة:
    نقاط الجوائز:
    Family doctor)General practitioner)
    يا اهلا وسهلا بك في كليه الطب
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