إسم البرنامج: Office Password Recovery Toolbox
إصــــدار البرنامج: V4.0

وظيفة البرنامج: كسر حماية ملفات الـ Office
حجـم البرنامج: 1.69 MB
ترخيص البرنامج: غير مجاني
{السريال مرفق مع الملف}

نبذة عن البرنامج :
Office Password Recovery Toolbox هو الحلّ الشامل لإستعادة كلمات السرّ لملفات MS Office
المختلفة : Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, PowerPoint و VBA passwords
و هو الحل الذي يمكنك من استعادة كلمات السر في حالات عديدة. برنامج يستعيد بسرعة
كلمات المرور و يرتكزعلى الأداء المذهل و معرفة الخبراء حماية الأوفيس من مكتب حماية واستخدام الجهاز
مع خادم قوي لفكّ الشفرة. كل هذه المكونات للعمل معا لضمان حلّ سريع وآمن من أي كلمة مرور تقريبا.
Office Password Recovery Toolbox is a comprehensive solution for recovering MS Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, PowerPoint and VBA passwords.
To protect privacy and limit access to sensitive information, MS Office provides different types of protection. Whether it is ‘open', ‘write', or any other protection, a password is its key element. Without it, access to the most sensitive and important data is impossible. What can we do then, if a password to a Word, PowerPoint or Excel document, Access database or Outlook folder is lost or accidentally changed? Does it mean that the data is gone forever? Office Password Recovery Toolbox is a solution that can recover passwords in those and many other cases. The program swiftly recovers passwords for MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access and Outlook files. Its amazing performance is grounded on the expert knowledge of Office protection and the use of a powerful decrypting server. Both these components working together ensure fast and secure recovery of virtually any password.
Office Password Recovery Toolbox can recover passwords that fall into any one of six categories – Word Passwords, Excel Passwords, Outlook Passwords, PowerPoint Passwords, Access Passwords, VBA Passwords.
Features and benefits
Recovers or removes "open", "write" and "protection" passwords for Microsoft Word documents [1].
Recovers or removes "open", "write", workbook, shared workbook and worksheet passwords for MS Excel documents [1].
Removes "write" passwords for MS PowerPoint 2007 documents.
Recovers passwords for the MS Outlook personal folder files (*.PST).
Recovers passwords for MS Access database files (*.MDB) and workgroup information files (*.MDW).
Recovers passwords for VBA projects in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook files.
Online password recovery service with guaranteed privacy.
Instant recovery of passwords of any length and complexity.
Support for multilingual passwords.
Allows to set the access password to prevent unauthorized program running.
Allows to copy recovered passwords to the clipboard.
Easy and user-friendly interface.

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تحميل البرنامج:

Office Password Recovery Toolbox 4.0
روابط من الأخ الغالي
أو من رابط مباشر من هنا.

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