Completely updated, and now in full color, this practical reference is a comprehensive guide to the anesthetic and perioperative management of patients during all procedures performed by general and subspecialist surgeons. The book explains each procedure from both the surgeon's and the anesthesiologist's perspective, presents details on anesthetic technique, and guides the anesthesiologist and surgeon through the decisions that must be made before, during, and after surgery. Emphasis is on factors that impact the anesthesiologist, including patient positioning, duration of surgery, and complications. The Fourth Edition covers almost 40 new surgical procedures, with an increased focus on laparoscopic and endovascular procedures.
A companion Website will offer the fully searchable text and an image bank.

"An essential manual for anesthesiologists. The editors do an excellent job of bringing the perspectives of both anesthesia and surgery to each procedure, and includes more than 700 procedures. A significant addition to this edition is chapters devoted to office based anesthesia and emergency procedures. An excellent reference book that should be found on every anesthesiologist's shelf."---Anesthesia & Analgesia