Latha Stead, _"BRS _Emergency _Medicine"
_| 2000-07-31 | ISBN: 068_33061_70 | 673 pages | PDF | 5 MB

Designed for medical students preparing for USMLE Step 2 and course exams. The format is structured to help you recall and review important information. You can drastically reduce the time you spend reviewing and preparing for Emergency Medicine clerkship and the USMLE Step 2


Traves D._ Crabtree,_ "BRS_ Surgical _Specialties"
| 2000-06-15 | ISBN: 07_81727_715 | 262 pages | CHM | 4,9 MB
This companion to BRS General Surgery focuses primarily on surgical topics tested on USMLE 2. The book contains USMLE style questions with explanations and is cross-referenced to BRS General Surgery.

Traves D._ Crabtree,_ "BRS _General _Surgery"
| 2000-04-15 | ISBN: 068_3306_367 | 564 pages | CHM | 6,6 MB
Designed for medical students preparing for USMLE Step 2 and course exams. The format is structured to help you recall and review important information. You can drastically reduce the time you spend reviewing and preparing for Surgery clerkship and the USMLE Step 2.

Lloyd J. Brown, Lee_ Todd Miller, _"BRS_ Pediatrics"
| 2004-07-27 | ISBN: 078_17212_96 | 528 pages | CHM | 3,8 MB
Like other titles in the Board Review Series, BRS Pediatrics is designed to offer students a strong foundation for subsequent learning in both primary care and subspecialty pediatrics.
BRS Pediatrics features:
-A comprehensive overview of the basic principles of pediatrics
-Detailed information for the pediatric subinternships and pediatric subspecialty rotations
-Case-based review tests (simulating USMLE Step 2 questions) at the end of each chapter
-Explanations for the correct answers and the incorrect responses with cross-references to the appropriate text for student follow-up
-End-of-book comprehensive 100-question examination
You'll find that BRS Pediatrics will be an indispensable resource for the pediatric rotation, the end of rotation exam, and the USMLE Step 2.

James _D. Fix, _"BRS_ Neuroanatomy, 4th Edition"
| 2007-10-08 | ISBN: 07_8177_2451 | 480 pages | CHM | 18 MB
Designed primarily for medical and dental students preparing for the USMLE Step 1 and other examinations, this book presents the essentials of human neuroanatomy in a succinct outline format with abundant illustrations. Over 600 USMLE-style questions with complete answers and explanations are included, some at the end of each chapter and some in an end-of-book Comprehensive Examination.
This edition uses color to delineate neuroanatomical pathways and highlight clinical correlations. New clinical MRI and MRA images have been added. Questions follow the clinical vignette-based format of the current USMLE.
A companion Website on thePoint offers instant access to the complete, fully searchable text and all questions from the book.

Traves D._ Crabtree,_ "BRS_ Surgical _Specialties"
| 2000-06-15 | ISBN: 07_81727_715 | 262 pages | CHM | 4,9 MB

This companion to BRS General Surgery focuses primarily on surgical topics tested on USMLE 2. The book contains USMLE style questions with explanations and is cross-referenced to BRS General Surgery.


Traves D._ Crabtree,_ "BRS _General _Surgery"
| 2000-04-15 | ISBN: 068_3306_367 | 564 pages | CHM | 6,6 MB

Designed for medical students preparing for USMLE Step 2 and course exams. The format is structured to help you recall and review important information. You can drastically reduce the time you spend reviewing and preparing for Surgery clerkship and the USMLE Step 2.


Lloyd J. Brown, Lee_ Todd Miller, _"BRS_ Pediatrics"
| 2004-07-27 | ISBN: 078_17212_96 | 528 pages | CHM | 3,8 MB

Like other titles in the Board Review Series, BRS Pediatrics is designed to offer students a strong foundation for subsequent learning in both primary care and subspecialty pediatrics.
BRS Pediatrics features:
-A comprehensive overview of the basic principles of pediatrics
-Detailed information for the pediatric subinternships and pediatric subspecialty rotations
-Case-based review tests (simulating USMLE Step 2 questions) at the end of each chapter
-Explanations for the correct answers and the incorrect responses with cross-references to the appropriate text for student follow-up
-End-of-book comprehensive 100-question examination
You'll find that BRS Pediatrics will be an indispensable resource for the pediatric rotation, the end of rotation exam, and the USMLE Step 2.


James _D. Fix, _"BRS_ Neuroanatomy, 4th Edition"
| 2007-10-08 | ISBN: 07_8177_2451 | 480 pages | CHM | 18 MB

Designed primarily for medical and dental students preparing for the USMLE Step 1 and other examinations, this book presents the essentials of human neuroanatomy in a succinct outline format with abundant illustrations. Over 600 USMLE-style questions with complete answers and explanations are included, some at the end of each chapter and some in an end-of-book Comprehensive Examination.
This edition uses color to delineate neuroanatomical pathways and highlight clinical correlations. New clinical MRI and MRA images have been added. Questions follow the clinical vignette-based format of the current USMLE.
A companion Website on thePoint offers instant access to the complete, fully searchable text and all questions from the book.
