برنامج Nature Illusion Studio Nature Illusion Studio Professional V3.61 + Key
البرنامج : Nature Illusion Studio Professional
إصــــدار : V3.61
وظيفة البرنامج : معالجة الصور
حجـم البرنامج : 5.83 MB
ترخيص : غير مجاني
{السريال مرفق مع الملف}
نبذة عن البرنامج :

البرنامج : Nature Illusion Studio Professional
إصــــدار : V3.61
وظيفة البرنامج : معالجة الصور
حجـم البرنامج : 5.83 MB
ترخيص : غير مجاني
{السريال مرفق مع الملف}

نبذة عن البرنامج :
Feature list
اذا كانت لديك صور للطبيعة جميلة تحتوي على انهار او شلالات او أشجار يمكنك ان تجعلها صور حية تتحرك و ذلك باٍضافة
عدة حركات و تأثيرات منها حركة على الماء و حركة خاصة بالشلالات و يمكنك ايضا اضافة أجسام مثل الطيور و غير ذلك و يمكنك ايضا اضافة
الامطار و الثلج و يمكنكا ان تضيف اصوات للشلالات او العصافير او صوت الرياح .......... و يمكنكا ان تنشأ صورة متحركة تجعلها على شكل شاشة توقف كما يمكنك ان تقوم بحفظها على شكل صورة GIF متحركة او فيديو كما يمكنكا ايضا ان تجعل الصورة عبارة عن ملف تطبيقي EXE و له العديد من المميزات و هويحتاج الى خبرة نوع ما لاٍضافة التأثيرات المناسبة على الصورة
كما يحتوي البرنامج على عدة أمثلة او مشاريع منجزة و هي رااائعة
المهم يجب عليك ان تثبت البرنامج و تعمل عليه حتى تمتلك خبرة في انجاز الصور الراااااائعة
Nature Illusion Studio - OverviewWater effects
Animated Objects
- Apply up to 6 different types of water effects in a single image.
- Customize water effects settings such as amplitude, frequency, direction, etc.
- Preset water effects such as waterfall, lake, river, etc.
Weather effects
- Add animated gifs.
- Add png images.
- Add text objects.
- Customize objects movement, appearance, fade-in/out, etc.
Sound effects
- Add snow effect to photos.
- Add rain effect to photos.
- Customize the particel counts, transparency, rain drops length, snow flakes size, and wind direction.
Build your creation as screensavers
- Add wav files into your creation.
- Add sounds up to 8 channels.
- Customize the sound to appear randomly, random at specific time, or loops continuously.
Build your creation as executables
- Add background music (mp3, wma).
- Show clock.
- Adjust sound and music volume.
Build your creation as animated gifs
- Add background music (mp3, wma).
- Adjust sound and music volume.
Build your creation as videos (.avi)
- Customize FPS(frames per second), resolution, and length.
- Dithering filter to minimize quality degradation.
Preview the result of your project instantly
- Build avi using any codecs available in your system.
- Customize the video resolution.
- Customize the video length.
- Auto preview provides instant feedback of your changes in real time, meaning you can see the result right away while you are drawing the water effects.
- Full screen preview to view your creation in full time with sound effects.
Project files can be used in Ace Pro Screensaver Creator to build advanced full featured screensaver.- Add your living photos into Nature Illusion Screensaver easily.
Transform your vacation photos at the beach, waterfall, lake, and other places into living photos.
Add realistic water, snow, rain effects, and furnish it with animated butterflies, birds, and other objects to bring your holiday moment back to reality.
With Nature Illusion Studio's intuitive and easy to use user interface, you can easily create your own animated photos in just a few minutes. No graphic design skills needed!
Add realistic water effects to your photos
Add water effects into your digital photos and bring the original spirit and excitement of the holiday back to life!
The effects have been recreated with accurate physics, so ripples on the water, waterfall, or waves movement look and behave just like they might in the physical life.
Amazingly the water effects can also be applied onto other image such as fog, smoke, fire, or even leaves.
Add rain and snow effects
With just a single click you can bring winter or wet season instantly to your photos.
Moreover you can customize the intensity of the raindrops or the snow flakes, the wind direction, the falling speed, as well as its appearance by changing the transparency and size to make it realistic and relevant to your photos.
Add animated objects
Make your photos livelier, add living objects such as flying birds, butterflies, fishes, thunders, or anything else to your photos with animated objects feature.
Basically you can produce anything that you like with this powerful feature, your creativity is the only limit!
Add sound effects
Visual effects alone are not enough.. Add sound effects and background music to your photos!
Nature Illusion Studio lets you add the sound of waterfall, river stream, birds chirping, or any sounds you like.
Enjoy the result in many formats
Nature Illusion Studio allows you to produce your living photos as screensavers, executables, videos, or animated gifs, meaning you have a complete set of formats for your prefered purposes, whether to use it for your own enjoyment, share it with your loved ones, publish it in your website, upload the videos to youtube.. It's your choice.
موقع البرنامج :

توافق البرنامج :
مثال حول عمل البرنامج :
إثبات التفعيل و الإصدار :
تحميل البرنامج:
Gulfup Download Link
Solidfiles Download Link
Megacold Download Link
لحفظ الملف أطول مدّة
كلمة المرور للرابط للأعضاء فقط!!

توافق البرنامج :

مثال حول عمل البرنامج :

إثبات التفعيل و الإصدار :

تحميل البرنامج:

Gulfup Download Link
Solidfiles Download Link
Megacold Download Link
لحفظ الملف أطول مدّة
كلمة المرور للرابط للأعضاء فقط!!