Eric P. Purdy and MD, "2011-2012 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 1: Update on General Medicine"
Ame rican Acad emy of Ophthalm ology | 2011 | ISBN: 1615251081 | 408 pages | PDF | 115 MB
Covers systemic medical conditions most likely to affect ophthalmic patients, such as infectious, metabolic, neurologic and cardiovascular diseases; cancer; and rheumatic and endocrine disorders. Includes a discussion of preventive medicine and medical emergencies, as well as geriatrics and statistics. Ophthalmic considerations are highlighted throughout. Contains numerous updated references and tables listing the names, indications and side effects of antibiotic, antihypertensive and anticancer drugs. Recently revised 2010 2011.

K.V. Chalam MD PhD, "Fundamentals and Principles of Ophthalmology"
Am....an Aca...y of Oph.....ology | 2011-06-15 | ISBN: 161525109X | 455 pages | PDF | 106 MB
Provides the essential scientific grounding for current ophthalmic practice. Discussions cover ocular anatomy, embryology, the biochemistry and metabolism of the eye and the latest developments in eye-related molecular and clinical genetics studies. Contains information about ocular pharmacotherapeutics, updated drug information and a discussion of the legal aspects of medical therapy.

Neal H. Atebara MD, "Clinical Optics"
Am....an Aca...y of Oph.....ology | 2011-06-15 | ISBN: 1615251103 | 376 pages | PDF | 87,5 MB
Discusses current applications of optical phenomena, including the optical foundations of lasers, spectacles, IOLs and refractive surgery. Presents optics of the human eye; basic concepts of geometric optics; ophthalmic instruments and contact lenses. Discusses vision rehabilitation from the epidemiology of vision impairment, classification of visual function deficits, patient assessment and low vision management.

Robert H. Rosa Jr. MD, "Ophthalmic Pathology and Intraocular Tumors"
Am....an Aca...y of Oph.....ology | 2011-06-15 | ISBN: 1615251111 | 402 pages | PDF | 88,8 MB
This volume is divided into two parts: Part I, Ophthalmic Pathology; and Part II, Intraocular Tumors: Clinical Aspects. Part I uses a hierarchy that moves from general to specific to help derive a differential diagnosis for a specific tissue. Part II is a compilation of selected clinical aspects of importance to the general ophthalmologist. Following Part II are the American Joint Committee on Cancer 2010 staging forms for ocular and adnexal tumors. This revised text contains numerous new pathologic and clinical photographs.

Lanning B. Kline MD, "Neuro-Ophthalmology"
Am....an Aca...y of Oph.....ology | 2011-06-15 | ISBN: 161525112X | 422 pages | PDF | 96,4 MB
Provides a symptom-driven approach to the diagnosis and treatment of major neuro-ophthalmic conditions. With the focus on the patient, this book emphasizes examination and appropriate adjunctive studies, including a discussion of diagnostic imaging modalities, and leads the reader through the sometimes subtle manifestations of neuro-ophthalmic disease to anatomical localization of lesions and definitive diagnosis. An overview of the anatomy of visual pathways is accompanied by many illustrations.

Edward L. Raab MD JD, "Pediatric Ophthalomology and Strabismus"
Am....an Aca...y of Oph.....ology | 2011-06-15 | ISBN: 1615251138 | 483 pages | PDF | 101 MB
Examines the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of esodeviations and exodeviations, horizontal and vertical deviations, amblyopia and special forms of strabismus. Discusses the full range of pediatric ocular disorders, extraocular muscle anatomy, motor and sensory physiology and how to establish rapport with children during an ocular examination. Contains numerous images, including color photos.

Carol K. Mack, Dinah Mack, "Orbit, Eyelids, and Lacrimal System"
Am....an Aca...y of Oph.....ology | 2011-06-15 | ISBN: 1615251146 | 322 pages | PDF | 68,8 MB
Details the anatomy of the orbit and adnexa, and emphasizes a practical approach to the evaluation and management of orbital and eyelid disorders, including malpositions and involutional changes. Updates current information on congenital, inflammatory, infectious, neoplastic and traumatic conditions of the orbit and accessory structures. Covers key aspects of orbital, eyelid and facial surgery. Includes numerous new color images.

James J. Reidy MD, "External Disease and Cornea"
Am....an Aca...y of Oph.....ology | 2011-06-15 | ISBN: 1615251154 | 512 pages | PDF | 116 MB
Discusses the structure and function of the cornea and external eye and reviews relevant examination techniques. Covers infectious and ocular surface diseases, disorders and surgery of the ocular surface, immune-mediated and neoplastic disorders, congenital anomalies and degenerations. A recently updated chapter on the genetics of corneal dystrophies reflects the new IC3D classification. Discusses toxic and traumatic injuries and corneal transplantation. Contains many new color images.

Ramana S. Moorthy MD, "Intraocular Inflammation and Uveitis"
Am....an Aca...y of Oph.....ology | 2011-06-15 | ISBN: 1615251162 | 372 pages | PDF | 94,4 MB
Begins with an in-depth overview of immunemedicated eye disease, summarizing basic immunologic concepts, ocular immune responses and special topics in ocular immunology. Discusses the clinical approach to uveitis and reviews noninfectious (autoimmune) and infectious forms of uveitis, with an expanded section on viral uveitis and new material on infectious and noninfectious scleritis. Enhanced detection of infectious agents by immunologic and genetic methods and new biologic therapeutics are detailed. Also covers endophthalmitis, masquerade syndromes, complications of uveitis and ocular aspects of AIDS. Contains a number of new color images.

George A. Cioffi MD, "Glaucoma"
Am....an Aca...y of Oph.....ology | 2011-06-15 | ISBN: 1615251170 | 258 pages | PDF | 60,3 MB
Topics on glaucoma include the epidemiologic aspects; hereditary and genetic factors; intraocular pressure and aqueous humor dynamics; and clinical evaluation, medical management and surgical therapy. Contains numerous images illustrating disease entities and surgical techniques.

James C. Bobrow MD, "Lens and Cataract"
Am....an Aca...y of Oph.....ology | 2011-06-15 | ISBN: 1615251189 | 273 pages | PDF | 65,4 MB
Reviews the anatomy, physiology, embryology and pathology of the lens. Covers the epidemiology, evaluation and management of cataracts; gives an overview of lens and cataract surgery; and explores the complications and special situations of cataract surgery.

Carl D. Regillo MD, "Retina and Vitreous"
Am....an Aca...y of Oph.....ology | 2011-06-15 | ISBN: 1615251197 | 424 pages | PDF | 101 MB
Reviews the basic anatomy of the retina and diagnostic approaches to retinal disease. Includes extensive examinations of disorders of the retina and vitreous, including disease, inflammation, hereditary dystrophies, abnormalities and trauma. Discusses laser therapy and vitreoretinal surgery.

2011-2012 Basic and Clinical Science Course, Section 13: Refractive Surgery (Basic & Clinical Science Course)

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